CHRISLAM ... What Does Light Have To Do With Darkness? More & More - TopicsExpress


CHRISLAM ... What Does Light Have To Do With Darkness? More & More Christian leaders today are attempting to bridge the gap between Muslims and Christians; the foundation of this new mantra, often called Chrislam is that we all worship the same G*d. At the heart of this movement and perhaps the most dangerous issue is that these Christian leaders suggest that because we use similar terms such as G*d and Jesus - there is a form of shared belief. What we mean by the words we use matters ... And when no one defines the terms we are using - deception can slip in. Whether intentional or not, many Christian leaders are leading their followers into believing Chrislam is acceptable. Some Unfortunate Examples: Recently, Brian Houston of Hillsong Church in Australia, addressed his congregation with these words, Do you know – take it all the way back into the Old Testament and the Muslim and you, we actually serve the same G*d. Allah to a Muslim, to us Abba Father G*d. And of course through history, those views have changed greatly. But lets make sure that we view G*d through the eyes of Jesus, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the loving open inclusive arms of a loving G*d. Rev. Ann Holmes Redding, an Episcopal priest for over twenty years, dons her white collar of Episcopal priesthood on Sunday mornings, then ties on her black headscarf to pray with her Muslim group on Fridays, saying, I am both Muslim and Christian. She sees compatibility in Islam and Christianity at the most basic level and has endorsed the Muslim teaching ... That all all true Christians will accept Islam. Pope Francis states, “Our relationship with the followers of Islam has taken on great importance, since they are now significantly present in many traditionally Christian countries, where they can freely worship and become fully a part of society…We must never forget that they ‘profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful G*d, who will judge humanity on the last day.’” Francis continues, the “sacred writings of Islam have retained some Christian teachings; Jesus and Mary receive profound veneration …What the Pontiff is really saying here is that Christians and Muslims worship the same G*d! Really? Jesus receives profound veneration from Islam? Really? You mean the religion that Denies The Death and Resurrection of Jesus ... On which the entire belief of Christianity stands or falls? The religion that Denies Jesus is the Son Of G*d? The Religion that has in Bold Letters encircling the inside of the Dome of the Rock these words: Far be it from God that he should have a son! This is The Very Location from which for centuries Jews worshiped in the Temple awaiting their Messiah. This is also where Jesus; The Son of G*d, The Jewish Messiah will someday rule over the earth. Islam has Literally built a monument of Unreserved Defiance to this future reality. Veneration? Really! Brian Mclaren; founding pastor of non-denominational Cedar Ridge Community Church in Baltimore, Washington, and a leading voice in the emergent church movement encouraged his congregation and other Christians through his blog to participate with Muslims in a Ramadan fast, which celebrates the month the Quran was supposed to be sent down. Another leader in the Emerging Church movement, Dr. Tony Campolo says he is not convinced that Jesus lives only in Christians, reasoning that an Islamic “brother” who has fed the hungry and clothed the naked clearly has a personal relationship with Christ, only he doesn’t know it. A few years ago, Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church in Houston joined with Christian communities in Atlanta, Seattle, and Detroit to create a series of sermons designed to promote an ecumenical reconciliation between Christianity and Islam. Sunday School lessons on the same theme would center on the inspired teachings of the Prophet Mohammad, and Qurans and Bibles would be placed side by side in the church pews ... Ironically, a side by side comparison of the Bible and the Quran Would Show: Two Faiths That Are The Exact Opposite. Islam’s Quran does not portray the divinity of Jesus, nor claim Him to be the only-begotten Son of G*d: Messiah - G*d in human flesh, nor state that Jesus died on the cross for our sins ... Instead they place Judas Iscariot on the cross as a scapegoat to save Jesus hide!, Islam denies the True Gospel of Christianity ... The core reason Jesus came to earth. This fundamental gap between Christians and Muslims cannot and should not be bridged or smoothed over with a watered-down doctrine for the sake of brotherly love. The Jesus of The Gospels is The Base Upon Which Christianity Developed. By Islamicizing Him, and making of Him a Muslim prophet who preached the Quran ... Islam destroys Christianity and takes over all its history. It does the same to Judaism. We increasingly hear and read that Christianity and Islam ‘share’ Jesus, that He belongs to both religions. So also with Abraham: there is talk of the West’s ‘Abrahamic civilization’ where once people spoke of ‘Judeo-Christian civilization’. But Lets Be Very Clear On This: IT IS A LIE. Muslims Do Not Worship The G*d Of The Bible. Muslims worship a god who has set himself up in Direct Opposition To The Bibles G*d. Muslims constantly level accusations against Jews & Christians for Corrupting the Bible. But Who Really Corrupted It? ... Who Really Has Attempted to Change G*ds Word? It is the very ones who claim the Bible is corrupt who are The True Corrupters. Islam took select portions of Scripture and after twisting it and lacing it with deadly cyanide; they concocted a whole new bible they call the Quran and claim it is the final Word of G*d. Like their god, The Accuser, the corrupters accuse the virtuous of corruption, the murders accuse the innocent of murder, the haters accuse the righteous of hate, the warmongers accuse the peaceful of war, the lovers of death accuse the lovers of life with cowardice, while cowards who promote instant death are given the title of brave. Murders are Martyrs, their funerals are weddings, and their victims are criminals unworthy of even a funeral. Their Heaven is Debauchery and their Earth s a Hell devoid of even the most innocent music or wedding dance ... Everything Is Turned Upside Down. You Can Not Have Your Christianity ... And Your Islam too! Islam Denies The Crucifixion; And Without It ... There Is No Christianity. So here is my question to you: Who do you put on the cross? If you do not believe in the Crucified King of the Jews ... then you do not have the real messiah. You might as well crucify Judas Iscariot. It doesnt matter how much you adore or wear your crucified Iscariot around your neck ... All Your Praise And Worship Are In Vain. But if you choose to reject what I am telling you; you are not alone. A Billion or so Muslims are on your side ... You can all worship together. But I would suggest you worship some place hot to get used to the heat ... Because in the end there will be no air-conditioning where the god of Islam resides.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 00:46:44 +0000

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