CHRISTIAN NEWS: SAY NO TO ANTI-SEMETISM - Love One Another As I - TopicsExpress


CHRISTIAN NEWS: SAY NO TO ANTI-SEMETISM - Love One Another As I Have Loved You [John 15:12] Muslims, Jews and Christians can live happily together, why not now? Luke 23:34 King James Bible: Then said Yahushua, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.....Every religion has made mistakes. If were humble enough to admit that we get it wrong sometimes, its half way to solving our problems. Finding Yahuwah (God the Father of Creation) is the only way to world peace. Hating and killing each other is a spiritual sickness we need to be healed of. This is a beautiful world if we want it to be. We pray for coming peace and happiness in our celebrations this month. Shalom to the Jews in their celebration of Chanukka (Festival of Lights), and peace to Christians and gentiles around the world for new spiritual birth, fellowship and love between us all. Amen Reference: Not wishing to teach the obvious (share previous HaShem revealed FB posting and sabbathcovenant/doctrine/sus_is_latin_for_pig.htm), did you know that the Greek name (Ieosus) is in relation to, Zeus - the pagan God of Greece worshipped when the pig was slaughtered on the alter? Soos can mean horse (perhaps even joy) in Hebrew, but Jesus is not a Hebrew name. Most of us know that the letter J was only introduced into language less than 500 years ago. The Latin name Jesus is given to the meaning in translation (Je (Geo) - earth/ground, and sus - pig or swine). Thank you to many faithful Jews and friends who are helping to bring this information to our Christian communities.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 16:02:57 +0000

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