CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS UNITE! TIME IS RUNNING OUT! We need to pool our resources and speak with one voice. I am asking you to please consider flooding your Home FB page with a message of warning and salvation to all your unsaved friends starting from now 01/11/2015 to next Sunday 01/18/2015. I have written an example letter below that you may copy and paste or change to your liking. If we hit the internet all at once, with a similar message at the same time we should be able to make a big impact. Some of the postings Ive seen lately are graphics that ask the reader to “like” or write “amen.” Those are nice to encourage one another but are they really getting anyone saved? GOD IS LOOKING FOR MEN AND WOMEN WHO WILL STAND UP AND BE COUNTED FOR CHRIST. If you have been seeking His face then you know that we are at the eleventh hour and soon the age of Grace will come to an end. Its time to ratchet up the impact we can make on the world and give Satan a bloody nose at the same time. Isa 41:10, “FEAR NOT, FOR I AM WITH YOU. BE NOT DISMAYED FOR I AM YOUR GOD. I WILL STRENGTHEN YOU, I WILL HELP YOU. I WILL UPHOLD YOU WITH MY RIGTHEOUS RIGHT HAND.” Whos sitting at Gods right hand? Thats right, Jesus our Lord. We have nothing to fear. Please bathe this in prayer, and if the Lord leads you, post this message (or one like it) everyday this week. United we stand for Jesus. God bless you. (You may wish to use the graphic below). HAVE YOU BOUGHT THE LIE? Perhaps you believe that there is no God, or that theres nothing after this life? Maybe you think that when we die everyone goes to heaven because were all good people … well maybe not Hitler. Or could it be that science and philosophy has all the answers? Then why are their theories always changing? And why did Christ have to go to the cross? History tells us that He didnt do anything wrong, neither did He deserve to die … so again, why? Let me speak plainly. Human history has entered a phase called the End Times. And if you have bought any of the lies listed above that ought to tell you that we are about to enter a period the Bible calls “The Tribulation,” where many will be deceived (Matthew 24:4-44). Yes, thats right, deceived. Isnt it strange that people are willing to believe the vague predictions of Nostradamus but not the hundreds of predictions already fulfilled in the Bible? And more and more are being fulfilled every month, every week, every day, and its escalating. We have been graciously given signs so that we would know when the dispensation of Grace would end, and if you have rejected Gods gift of salvation you will have to stand accountable before Him. Is this something your are willing to risk? Whether you believe it or not, hell does exists. Is this some place to want to spend eternity? Dont you think that it just might be worth checking out just in case theres an outside chance that the Bible might be right? I know youve heard it before, but God doesn’t want any of us to be separated from Him for all of eternity. Thats why He died on a cross for our sins. Please consider that what Ive written here is possible. I love you, my friends and family, and time is running out. Please contact me.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 18:10:45 +0000

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