CHRISTIANITY & SCIENCE (Part One) MUSIC: Is a VERY POWERFUL FORCE on this earth. When you play or sing songs, you are actually releasing something (substance into the atmosphere). Music can actually be seen with some special instrument – obviously not with this our earthly optical sense of sight called ‘eye’. Music can easily go straight to your spirit bypassing your soul & doubt. There are certain songs that God likes & it causes Him to operate certain gifts. Play certain songs everybody’s back will be healed. Play certain songs, deaf ears will be healed. The song, ‘Here I am to worship’ has cured many ailments in a second. When playing ‘Amazing Grace’, many have healed chronic diseases, bones alignment, ligamnts adjusted etc. By consistently listening to anointed music, you will experience the Glory Cloud of Jesus. Once you do, you will never ever remain the same again. THOUGHTS: We all have different unique ways of thinking. You can be traced by your thought pattern. You thinking process is as unique as your finger print – isn’t Jesus so wonderful? THOUGHTS are real physical structure of things. Every time you think, you build EPIGENOME which means thoughts. Our thoughts can activate the bad or the good genes. If you say, ‘I cant’ that is an action, a command. It sure will affect you! TOUCH: Touch Releases ENDORPHINES which kills pains, heals etc. Women have 10 X (ten times as much) sensors in their skins than men. If you follow what Jesus said, you can change your gene. 70% - 80% of mental cases comes from our thought life (science). 87% - 95% of illnesses comes from our thought life (science) BRAIN: Our brains process 400billions of action per sec. About 100billion nerve cells are in your brain. Each nerve cells can grow over 200 billion nerve cell branches. Hence, we have over 3million years worth of space in our brain to build memory. Our Love Jesus designed us with the ability to change our own brain. When you study the Word, pray & praise, it thickens the outer of your brain & makes you smarter & wiser. This is why anointed Believers are also very, very intelligent guys with abilities to earn fast. ‘We are WIRED UP FOR LOVE’ (science). Scientists actually made this statement. They are coming up with facts daily on the reality of the Lord Jesus. In the next few years, you will be stunned at the amazing discoveries that will be made. They’ve even discovered that while in our mother’s womb we had two Central Nervous Systems. The duo splits as the child grow. One moves up which we called the brain. Guess what the other one is called. It goes into your stomach & cannot be seen with the physical eyes. It is called the Human Spirit. Its amazing. You are WIRED UP FOR LOVE. Let love reign in U. live the love life. Walk the love walk. I always ask my Big Daddy to pour into my spirit by the D Holy Spirit the exact unquantifiable kilo-jolts of liquid love that He has for me – so that I can also love Him that much. Never forget to love even your enemies. (Jesus Wordz)
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 15:29:50 +0000

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