CHRISTIANS MAINTAIN THAT their Messiah, Jesus, will not make his - TopicsExpress


CHRISTIANS MAINTAIN THAT their Messiah, Jesus, will not make his second coming before the fulness of the Gentiles is brought in (Romans 11:25-27) and the Jews are converted en masse to Christendom; ...for I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD! (Matt. 23:39, Luke 13:34, 35). This is a quote from Psalms 118, which is put into the mouth of Jesus among others, by the authors of the Christian New Testament (Matt. 21:9, Mark 11:9, Luke 19:38, John 12:13). In Romans 11:25-27 the Apostle Paul re-arranges the Prophet Isaiahs words of 59:20-21 And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: The Deliverer will come out of Zion, And He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob; For this is My covenant with them, When I take away their sins. This, of course, is not what the prophet Isaiah predicts. Isaiah 59:20-21: And a redeemer shall come to Zion, and to those who repent of transgression in Jacob, says the Lord. As for Me, THIS IS MY COVENANT with them (the Jewish people), says the Lord. My spirit, which is upon you and My words that I have placed in your mouth, shall not move from your mouth or from the mouth of your seed and from the mouth of your seeds seed, said the Lord, from now and to eternity. Even in their exile, the Torah will never be forgotten from the Jewish people (Rashi). See also Deut. 4:27-31 + Ch. 30). Rather, [this] thing (the Torah) is very close to you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, so that you can fulfill it (Deut. 30:14, Joshua 1:8). Psalms 118 has a central position at Pesach, which has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus second coming, rather this is what they said to those who brought sacrifices and the festival offerings, and to those who performed the pilgrimages (see Rashi). Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the LORD we bless you out of the house of the LORD. The Lord is God, and He gave us light. Bind the sacrifice (the Paschal Lamb) with ropes until [it is brought to] the corners of the altar. (Psalms 118:26-27). In this Psalm, Israel praises God, for the fulfillment of what He promised. The stone (knowledge of God, kingdom of David) that the builders rejected became a cornerstone (Psalm 118:22, 1 Sam. 17:49-50, Dan. 2:34-35,44, Habakkuk 2:11,13-14, Isaiah 11:9).
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 12:16:43 +0000

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