CHRISTIANS hmmmm, CHRISIANS OOOOOO!!!!. That a muslim jumps to - TopicsExpress


CHRISTIANS hmmmm, CHRISIANS OOOOOO!!!!. That a muslim jumps to conclusion to start RANTING and ACCUSSING our CAN president might be understandable. But,But,But pastors,christians jumping to conclusions about ACCUSATIONS against BELIEVERS. not giving the benefit of a doubt, not waiting to get more totally UNBECOMING. We should know better that ALL YOU see is not all there is. Stand with and back of your man, not go to press...some have ACCESS, call the CAN president or anyone so fingered. We didnt need the FEDERAL GOVT to say they RENTED the JET out to ANOTHER PARTY or that they sent SOME ONE to use the Jet to BUY arms for the NATION before taking a stand behind this MAN of GOD. The story is still UNFOLDING and things will get CLEARER soon. I detest it when CHRISTIANS seem to be GLAD, and go to PRESS talking of the MISTAKES and FAULTS of others. Even when it is true, we ought to pray,counsel, see how to help, not REJOICE about it. I love the man Joseph, the Earthly father figure of JESUS.. When he knew MARY was pregnant. He didnt have all the FACTS yet. He was HURT by her ACT. Felt BETRAYED by her Act Yet he responded in love.. Then Joseph her HUSBAND being a JUST MAN and not willing to make her a PUBLIC example,was MINDED to put her away privily..mt1;19 When you find christians MOUTHING and GOSSIPOING,BACKBITING what WEAKNESS,MISTAKES or FAULTS they felt they felt they saw or observed in it. Its not LOVE driving them..nooo!. Its Either JEALOUSY,ENVY,RILVARY or HATRED pushing them. Dont be partakers with them, I have never MET pst ORITSEJAFOR personally, but even if its a member of church, a pastor or leader in my ministry.. I stand with them and defend them until am PROVED wrong, and even them I still stand to help them win We WALK in LOVE...not RIVALs..gbu
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 13:55:40 +0000

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