CHRISTINE MILNE THE PRO MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD UNEDUCATED FOOL. Dear Friends, As most of you have seen, read or heard, Greens leader Christine Milne, displayed the epitome of Ignorance today. This ignorant lady has enraged an entire community with her ill informed calls on Prime Minister Abbott to interfere in a judicial process “to stand up for imprisoned Australian journalist Peter Greste following an announcement that Egyptian authorities will lay charges against him and his colleagues.” Incredibly this totally unbelievable woman had the audacity to go further & say Australian journalist who works for al-Jazeera is being held for no other reason than doing his job Christine Milne what the hell are you talking about you ill informed uneducated fool? As you are so pathetically ignorant on the subject allow me to educate you. Firstly I am a COPT and was born in Egypt. Unlike you I do know exactly what I am talking about, and unlike you I along with 1000’s of COPTS have watched firsthand the absolute perversion and CRAP that is disseminated By al-Jazerra. Before I go any further I MUST ASK “HAVE YOU EVER WATCHED THE REPORTING ON Al-Jazeera????” Let me tell you that Al-Jazeera is an anti-western, anti American, Anti-Semitic, Anti Christian, Anti democracy radical Islamic media outlet that runs shows for terrorists like Yusuf Qaradawi who has been expelled from Egypt and supporter of Al-Qaeda. Christine Milne you dismally ignorant fool it is time for me to educate you on the PERVERSION of Al-Jazeera the “PRO MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD” Media outlet. 1. An article in the American Journalism Review noted that critics of Al-Jazeera have assailed what they see as anti-Semitic, anti-American bias in the channels news content. An example cited from earlier years was a report in Al-Jazeera that Jews had been informed in advance not to go to work on the day of the September 11 attacks, which was criticized by an October 2001 editorial in the New York Times. Christine were you aware of that? 2. An on-air birthday party was organized by Al Jazeeras Beirut bureau chief for a Lebanese militant convicted of killing four Israelis, including a four-year-old girl. Al Jazeera greeted Samir Kuntar, released in a July 2008 prisoner swap, as a hero. Christine were you aware of that? 3. Another example is the weekly show run on Al-Jazeera called Sharia and Life by Yusuf Qaradawi, a Radical Islamic Egyptian cleric who, according to a February 2011 article in The Atlantic, argued clearly and consistently that hatred of Israel and Jews is Islamically sanctioned. Christine were you aware of that? 4. Fox News commentator Bill OReilly has repeatedly criticized al-Jazeera for being anti-Semitic and anti-American. Christine were you aware of that? 5. In response, Dave Marash, a veteran correspondent for ABCs Nightline who resigned from his position as Washington anchor for Al Jazeera English in 2008 due to a perception of anti-American bias appeared on the OReilly Factor and asserted, They certainly arent anti-Semitic, but they are anti-Netanyahu and anti-Lieberman and anti-Israeli. Christine were you aware of that? 6. According to Erik Nisbet, an Ohio State University professor who studies Arab media found that anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism is clearly woven into the fabric of al-Jazeeras Arabic reporting. Christine were you aware of that? 7. Al Jazeera has been criticized for being a State media owned by the government of Qatar to propagate miss-information. Christine were you aware of that? 8. In 2010, United States Department of State internal communications, released by WikiLeaks as part of the 2010 diplomatic cables leak, showed the Qatar government manipulates Al Jazeera coverage to suit political interests. Christine were you aware of that? 9. Al Jazeeras Shia Beirut correspondent Ali Hashem resigned from Al Jazeera after leaked e-mails shows his discontent over the outlets unprofessional and biased coverage of the Syrian civil war in light of the Bahraini uprising, which was not given the prominence of the Syrian conflict on the network, only one side of the conflict which was partly funded by the state of Qatar, who also fund Al Jazeera. Christine were you aware of that? 10. Al Jazeeras long-time Berlin correspondent Aktham Suliman left in late 2012 It wasnt just because the broadcaster seemed less interested in reports from Europe. Rather, Suliman had the feeling that he was no longer being allowed to work as an independent journalist. Before the beginning of the Arab Spring, we were a voice for change, he says, a platform for critics and political activists throughout the region. Now, Al-Jazeera has become a propaganda broadcaster. Al-Jazeera takes a clear position in every country from which it reports -- not based on journalistic priorities, but rather on the interests of the Foreign Ministry of Qatar, he says. In order to maintain my integrity as a reporter, I had to quit. He writes, The news channel Al Jazeera was committed to the truth. Now it is bent. Its about politics, not journalism. For the reporter that means: time to go. Christine were you aware of that? 11. Al Jazeera has suffered the exodus of numerous prominent staff members. Reporters and anchors, particularly in cities like Paris, London, Moscow, Beirut and Cairo have left Al-Jazeera, despite what are seen as luxurious working conditions in centrally located offices. And despite the fact that the network is investing an estimated $500 million (€375 million) in the US, so as to reach even more viewers on the worlds largest television market—one in which its biggest competitor, CNN, is at home. 12. Among the largest walk-offs, was that of 22 members of Al Jazeeras Egyptian bureau. The group announced their resignation on July 8, 2013, citing bias coverage of the ongoing Egyptian power redistribution in favour of the Muslim Brotherhood. Christine were you aware of that? Christine, there is no doubt you have opened your big fat mouth about a subject you have absolutely no knowledge of. Peter Greste was unfortunately working for a disgraceful ISLAMIC MEDIA ORGANISATION that has mastered the art of deception, propaganda and outright fabrications; in ISLAM this is called “Taqiyya”. Peter unfortunately made a fatal mistake by treading on hot coals when reporting on the Muslim brotherhood during such a volatile period when the Egyptian people had enough of them. Given the documented facts above, especially point number 12, there is absolutely no doubt that your comment “Australian journalist who works for al-Jazeera is being held for no other reason than doing his job” is nothing more than a bullshit off the cuff statement. I can assure you the Coptic community are fully aware of the perversion of AL-Jazerra and find your ill informed comments as abhorrent, especially coming from a senator who is suppose to be abreast of the facts before opening her mouth. I CHALLENGE you to research point 12, make all the enquiries you like and come back and tell me I AM WRONG. You are a totally ignorant fool that knows nothing except spreading bullshit and making it up as you go exactly as AL-Jazeera do. As for Peter, sadly he like everyone else MUST go through the legal process, if you want to help him, get him a decent lawyer not one funded by the Qatar government that has done everything in their power to undermine the Egyptian transition to democracy against the will of the entire nation.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 04:51:52 +0000

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