CHRISTMAS - [as long as you are not whacky about it then I am okay - TopicsExpress


CHRISTMAS - [as long as you are not whacky about it then I am okay with it...] If you want to be my friend on Facebook, then you will just have to learn that I have my own beliefs just as you do. I can respect you as a fellow Christian even though you may think differently than I do. Lets take Christmas, for instance.... as I have said before, I get kind of tired of the way that every Christmas alot of people sort of bully others around who want to have a little bit of a Christmas celebration in their lives this time of year. They try to make such persons feel guilty as if they are Pagans because of it. I really dont care if they believe that they shouldnt celebrate Christmas themselves, but it is the guilt trip thing that bothers me. Okay so here is the way that I view it.... Ellen White said clearly that we should not ignore the day, even though we all know that Jesus was not born on December 25. So I take that seriously. She also said that God would be pleased if every Church had a Christmas Tree set up in it this time of year. I take that seriously as well. I believe the Spirit of Prophecy is the Testimony of JESUS. It wasnt just Ellen White herself talking off the top of her head, you know? Now, I also believe that if you do some serious studying into this subject, that you will discover that the Christians were the first to begin celebrating Christmas actually, and not the Pagans. You can go back to one of my recent posts and read all about that. And so, Ellen White was right about this all along. That is why she never once even mentions the so-called Pagan origins of Christmas. I myself used to believe that it had Pagan orgins, but now I know better. I think that if we are Seventh Day Adventists that we should accept what God told us through His prophet, Ellen White, and that if we do not, then we shouldnt even bother calling ourselves Seventh Day Adventists. I dont like the idea of acting as if Ellen White just didnt know what she was talking about when it came to Christmas... and that somehow God made a mistake and is now enlightening us on the subject. In case you did not know, these ideas came from the Shepherds Rod who really are the same as the Branch Davidians. If you watch this little short video below, you can see that they go around attacking Seventh Day Adventists if they have any sort of Christmas celebration, and I personally believe that this is just WRONG... Now, if you can still accept me as a friend on Facebook with my opinions on Christmas, thats great. I accept you too. But please do not act as if I am some sort of a Pagan just because I want to contemplate the fact that God sent His Son Jesus as a babe in a manger for the Plan of Redemption on any day of the year. I will contemplate and celebrate this fact every day, including December 25. I will give people Religious books to read, just as Ellen White said to do, and I will even put up a Christmas Tree if I feel like it. I do not believe that cutting down a tree and sticking it in a room constitutes Paganism. And even if it WERE of a Pagan origin, which I do not believe it is... The Book of Corinthians says that if someone is selling meats or foods sacrificed to idols in the shambles or the marketplace, go ahead and just eat it, not asking any questions. Because it is the participation in the sacrificing to idols that makes it a wrong act. I myself dont go setting up Santa Claus regalia or Easter Bunnies or anything of the kind myself on Christmas or Easter. Ellen White said it is the MOTIVE that counts with God, when it comes to Christmas. Okay, now back to our Shepherds Rod person attacking Seventh Day Adventist Churches on Christmas on this video.... Personally, Id be calling the police and requesting she never be allowed on the premises again. But that is because I had personal dealings with the Davidians, I used to live only 50 miles from Waco, Texas and I had some personal talks with the Police at the Courthouse about the entire David Koresh thing. I visited the place after this all happened and talked to some of the people in Elk, Texas which is by Waco. Anyway, if I were a Pastor, these people would NOT be welcome anywhere near my Church. If you look at what I said to her in the comments section, she went on trying to tell me that they think themselves to be the new Elijah and the modern day prophets, as in they do not think that Ellen White knew what she was talking about when it comes to Christmas. Well I am sorry but I just do not go for that at all. Ellen White said we are not free to just pick an choose what we feel is inspired in her writings and what is not. Its either from God or from the Devil, she said. I believe what she said was from GOD. Some of these people actually think that they are the ones God is going to use in Ezekiel chapter 9 as His destroying Angels to execute Gods will upon those Seventh Day Adventists who do not comply with whatever THEY think is His will. It truly gives me the creeps, to be honest. And that is why I dont want these whack nuts anywhere near me... sorry. https://youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=CJXgqf45XuA
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:42:24 +0000

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