CHRISTMAS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CHRIST OR HIS BIRTHDAY. SANTA CLAUS IS A LIE.HOW DOES CHRISTMAS TREE DEPICT CHRIST. WHY THE CHURCH OF CHRIST DOES NOT OBSERVE CHRISTMAS? There are many people in the world who regard members of the church of Christ as being very narrow-minded in our refusal to join with the denominational world in the observance of that holiday which was formerly known as Christ Mass Day, but is now generally abbreviated to Christmas Day. The question is often asked of us, “Do you folks not believe in the Bible account of the birth of Jesus?” When we reply that we do indeed believe every word of that divine record, we are then asked this question: “Do you not believe that the birth of Jesus is an event worth remembering?” There are several reasons why the church of Christ does not observe Christmas, and so I wish to mention some of them. THERE IS NO DIVINE COMMAND OR PRECEPT We believe that we must have a divine command or precept for all that we do in religion. We believe that we are not authorized to observe religious holidays that are not mentioned in the Bible for Christians to observe. There is no record in the Bible that any Christian ever observed a holiday in the memory of the birth of Christ. Although the Bible does tell us of the activities of the early church, it gives no hint that anyone in apostolic times thought of declaring a holiday to celebrate the birth of Christ, or that God wanted it to be celebrated. In fact, the Encyclopedia Britannica reveals that it was a good many years after the death of Jesus before a certain Pope conceived the idea of having a Mass to celebrate the birth of the Savior. To learn of the beginning of Christmas, we must go to the encyclopedia rather than the Bible, for the Bible is silent about the subject. Reading further in the encyclopedia we learn that the Pope who first inaugurated Christmas said, “We have a Mass for every saint, but there is no Mass for Christ.” He decreed that henceforth the 25th day of December each year would be observed as Christ Mass Day. For many years, in fact for many centuries, Christmas was strictly a Catholic holiday, but when various Protestant churches came into being, one by one they borrowed that holiday. WE MUST SPEAK AS THE ORACLES OF GOD The church of Christ does not observe Christmas because of the apostle Peter’s statement in I Peter 4:11, “If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God.” We cannot speak as the oracles of God and speak of Christmas. Why? Because the oracles of God are silent about such a holiday. If the New Testament spoke of Christmas and we had the teaching that Christians in New Testament times observed that holiday, the church of Christ would do so now. IS DECEMBER 25TH CHRIST’S BIRTH DAY? I submit to you that a fourth reason why the church of Christ does not observe and celebrate Christmas is that no one knows that Jesus was born on the 25th of December. That particular day and month was arbitrarily selected by the Pope who inaugurated that holiday. Most Bible scholars believe that Christ was really born in the summer time, but the very fact that God was not pleased to reveal through His word the day or the month in which His Son was born is evidence that he did not expect us to reverence that day. IT IS A CATHOLIC HOLIDAY I have already mentioned that originally Christmas was called Christ Mass Day, having been inaugurated by the Pope. Protestant churches borrowed this day from the Catholic church. The church of Christ has never borrowed it. Let me say in this connection that nearly everything that it practiced in many Protestant churches has been borrowed from the Catholic church. Instrumental music, infant baptism, sprinkling, Christmas and Easter Day observance are just a few of the inventions of Catholicism which have been borrowed by Protestants. A number of years ago a priest friend of brother Carl Finley remarked that it was amusing to see Protestants borrow such things as Christmas and infant baptism from the Catholics and try to prove that the Bible mentions and commands such things. He added, “We practice them because our church councils decided that we should do so. We do not believe that the Bible mentions or suggests these things.” He explained that the Catholic church differs from many other churches in that it does not believe that it is necessary to prove by the Bible all things that they do. I think this priest had a greater respect for the church of Christ after learning that we do not take this inconsistent position of being opposed to Catholicism, but at the same time imitating and borrowing from these things invented by Catholicism, of which Christmas is one. the Bible didnt teach Christmas. I also found that its origins have nothing to do with the Bible. It was an important lesson about things Id long assumed to be true. Just because some 2 billion people— roughly 1 billion Catholics and another billion in Protestant faiths— observe Christmas, does that make it right? Does it really matter one way or the other? Why do so many people observe it? If you were asked, Why do you celebrate Christmas? how would you respond? Many would say Christmas honors the birthday of Jesus. Others feel that Christmas is a good Christian family get-together. Many do it simply because theyve always done it. There is no biblical evidence that Dec. 25 was Jesus birth date. In fact, the Bible record strongly shows that Jesus couldnt have been born then. For example, Luke tells us that the shepherds were keeping their sheep in the fields at night when Jesus was born. And she [Mary] brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night ( Luke:2:7-8 , emphasis added throughout). But late December is Judeas cold and rainy season. Would shepherds actually keep their fragile flocks out in the open fields on a cold late- December night near Bethlehem? No responsible shepherd would subject his sheep to the elements at that time of year when cold rains, and occasional snow, are common in that region. The climate of Palestine is not so severe as the climate of this country [England]; but even there, though the heat of the day be considerable, the cold of the night, from December to February, is very piercing, and it was not the custom for the shepherds of Judea to watch their flocks in the open fields later than about the end of October (Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons, 1959, p. 91). Luke also tells us that Jesus was born at the time of a census ordered by the Roman emperor ( Luke:2:1-3 ). The Romans were brilliant administrators; they certainly would not have ordered people to journey to be registered at a time of year when roads would have been wet and muddy and traveling conditions miserable. Such a move would have been self-defeating on its face. The belief that Jesus was born on or around Dec. 25 simply has no basis in fact, even if 2 billion people have accepted it without question. As the famous playwright George Bernard Shaw said, If 50 million people believe a foolish thing, its still a foolish thing. Does Christmas really honor Christ? If the Christmas holiday is an important celebration to honor the birth of Jesus Christ, why is it nowhere mentioned in the Bible? Why didnt Christ instruct His closest followers, His 12 chosen apostles, to keep Christmas? Why didnt they institute or teach it to the early Church? Before you answer, consider that Jesus gave great authority to His 12 apostles, assuring them that they will hold positions of great importance and responsibility in His Kingdom ( Matthew:18:18 ; 19:28; Luke:22:29-30 ). But since Jesus never taught His apostles to keep Christmas, nor did they ever teach it to the Church though they had years of opportunity to do so, shouldnt that make us question whether Christmas is something Jesus really wants or appreciates? So how did Christmas become such a widespread practice if the Bible doesnt sanction it, if Christ didnt observe it and if He never taught His disciples and the early Church to celebrate it? Jesus never told His followers to celebrate Christmas, but He did warn us not to adhere to false, man-made religious doctrines: And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men ( Mark:7:7 ). The truth is, Christmas and other non-biblical religious holidays constitute vain or empty worship of Christ. History shows that Christmas does not represent Christ. It misrepresents sound biblical teaching and is in opposition to Gods truth. God wants us to worship Him in truth ( John:4:23-24 ), not fable. In Deuteronomy:12:28-32 , God told His people to worship only in the ways He commanded, telling them Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it. He explicitly ordered them not to copy or adopt the religious practices of the pagans, calling such practices abomination [ s ] . . . which He hates. Yet hundreds of millions of men, women and children unwittingly observe Christmas, not knowing or caring from where it came. They assume that 2 billion Christians cant be wrong or that it doesnt matter how we worship God so long as our intentions are good. But why should we think we honor God or please Him when we worship contrary to His commands? The crucial question is, do we worry more about what others think or about what God requires? Also, can other human beings give us salvation? If honoring Gods truth determines our salvation, then why honor men over God? There is no hint in the New Testament that the church celebrated Christs birthday on Dec. 25th or on any other day. In Acts 2:42 they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine in fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. The Apostles doctrine emphasized the death, burial and resurrection of Christ and not the birth. The first day of the week was given for the day upon which the Church is to assemble to show forth the death of Christ. Acts 20:7. The Apostles forbade the Church keeping days not authorized in Christs New Testament plan. Gal. 4:10-11. Ye observe days and months and times and years. I am afraid of you lest I have bestowed upon you labor in vain. Notice, Paul said his labor among them was in vain if they observed unauthorized days, etc. If we were to keep a day in memory of the birth of Christ, it would be a commandment to the Church, and not a universal holiday for all people, as is the practice today. Fourth: What does decorating trees, colored lights, feasts, parties, holly, giving and receiving of gifts,. sending cards, and Santa Claus have to do with the birth of Christ? The birth of Chnst was a solemn occasion. God caused a virgin to conceive of the Holy Ghost and bear a son and-call his name Jesus. Mt. 1 :18-25. Because of Gods love for man he gave Jesus to be the saviour of the world. Jno. 3:16. The Apostles emphasized the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. I Cor. 15:1-4. Not his birthday. Now what about the Christmas tree? Jer. 10: 1-5. Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, oh house of Israel: Thus saith the Lord, learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven: for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the ax. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; fot they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good. Please notice the custom of cutting a tree and decking it as most people do today, is a heathen custom, not a Christian act. Also the lights, holly, and other decorations date back to the Pagan festivals and their decorating of buildings, etc., and also has nothing to do with the birth of Christ. Now to the giving of gifts. It is true the wise men gave gifts to Christ. But where is the Scripture that says they gave their relatives and friends gifts because Christ was born? What would you think of someone celebrating your birthday by giving gifts to people all around you but giving you nothing? The people of the world neglect Christ all year long, and call themselves celebrating his birth — Dec. 25th, by giving gifts to others. What are you giving him? Can you not see this idea is of man? Let me also add that the wise men brought gifts probably several days after Christs birth, not on the day of his birth. Members of the Church get themselves in such financial condition, buying gifts, they neglect to give as they have been prospered. I Cor. 16:1-2. Neglecting Christs work while they claim to be remembering His birth. Folks exhaust themselves Christmas shopping but are too tried to go to the services of the Church? What about Santa Claus? This idea came from the legend of St. Nicholas, a Bishop of Myra in Lycia, who gave gifts in secret to three daughters of an improvished citizen. From this originated the custom of giving gifts in secret on the eve of St. Nicholas, subsequently transferred to Christmas day. Hence the association of Christmas with Santa Claus, a corruption brought to America by the early Dutch colonists. (Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 16, page 416). Parents teach their children that it is wrong to lie, Rev. 21 :8, but on the eve of Dec. 25th will actually lie to them. The story was told of a boy who had been taught there was a Santa Claus. When his parents finally told him the truth he was disappointed and said he was going to check and see if there was any truth in this they had told him about1 Jesus Christ. If we arent careful we may cause our children to doubt those things that are true. Besides its wrong to deceive. Fifth: Does the Church today have Biblical authority to celebrate Christs birthday on Dec. 25th or any other day? Definitely, not. There are no passages we can use to justify our joining hands with the world to practice a thing in the name of religion that was handed down to us by the Catholics that we have no Scripture for at all. Christians are commanded to come out of Babylon and not be partakers of her sins. Rev. 18:4. In II Cor. 6:17 we read: Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate said the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you. Many people are in spiritual Babylon and dont know it. Merchants encourage folk to get in what they call the Christmas spirit, many of whom dont believe in Christ. They are only interested in making money, and not in honoring Christ. Like all of Satans delusions this one appears as an angel of light. II Cor. 11 :13-15. Sixth: Is it sinful for Christians to participate inthe celebrating of Christmas as a religious holiday? Christians are to walk by faith. II Cor. 5:7. Faith comes by hearing Gods word. Rom. 10:17. Whatsoever is not of faith is sin, Rom. 14:23. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Heb. 1 1 :6. If any man speaks let him speak as the oracles of God. I Pet. 4:11. There is no hint in the Scriptures that would cause us to believe God would permit us to engage in this heathen custom and yet please him. Sending cards, a trea in our homes is a dead giveaway to the world that we are with them all the way in this thing. The practice of sending Christmas cards was frowned upon by Baptists, Methodists, Men-nonites, Amish and Lutherans until 1900. Roman Catholics and Protestant Episcopalians were the first to adopt the custom. Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 5, pages 644 and 645). The way to Heaven is a straight and narrow way. Mt. 7:13-14. Since God did net give us the date of Christs birth, I know He did not command us to keep it. But he did give the first day of the week as the day we are to remember Christs death. I beg of you, think on these things. Phil. 4:8.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 13:49:44 +0000

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