CHRISTMAS IN BRITAIN OF TODAY: I have to say few things about our - TopicsExpress


CHRISTMAS IN BRITAIN OF TODAY: I have to say few things about our one and only long awaited holiday in this country, the Christmas break. Traditionally Britain is a Christian country, that is by tradition. However, Im so emotionally unimpressed about the fallen standard of the value of Christianity in the UK, at the present time. LET ME GET TO THE POINT: Christmas now have been commercialized and used as an opportunity to buy and increase sales by traders of all sort, including small or medium size business talk less of of high street chains stores. The religion parts is virtually gone. Its the time to buy or give out presents, which is good, but what are we celebrating?! The birth of Christ, whom came to the world some 2000 years ago. Britain is not more a Christian valued country anymore and the people had simply dismissed this valued part of the culture as something that belong to the past. Sad to realized this, but we must touch on it. The turkey, wine, mince pie, chestnuts, crackers, Christmas dinner and that speech by the queen are things that made Britain as a country in the past, and it was highly valued by every family. Britain is not that Christian nation anymore but now a blaspheming and swearing one! The politicians have sold this country out, while schools rarely teach religious christian studies to the children and its often not part of the curriculum, anymore. You will rarely see a school that offer prayer at early morning gathering in schools these days (oh yes, except for Catholic ones), but must it always be a catholic school that qualify for such practice? Why cant we re-capture the value of our religion back?! The Moslems treasures theirs so much, that they even have Islamic schools in this country, yet British people have waved goodbye to that Christian religion that made up this country, historically. When Islam see a massive gap, then with lobbying here and there and the lot, they will fill in that gap, hence you see many moslems schools now and they teach their kids about their religion, while the government have simply express little interest in Christian schools. My point, let all schools know that, Christianity is Britain and Britain is Christianity. Its simple! King James, the English version translation mastermind and once a monarch, would not have thought of this country losing her grip on the ethics and moral values of Christianity and then a virtual anti-Christ nation. Contrarily, you can not compare Great Britain to that of Saudi Arabia, on religion ground. One country chose to keep its value alive and well, while the other simply played games and politics with it and had thrashed its religion past in the bin, except for those members of the public that cared. I wish I could touch on some serious sensitive moral value subjects of which Britain is guilty of as a Christian nation, but most of you reading this and in spirit with me would have already known where Im heading. The politicians and the anti-Christ, with the power holding plc of this country due to wealth and comfort, have simply dismissed and brushed aside these religion values. Beautiful church buildings are now being converted into museums, library, events receptions etc because people have decided not to go to church anymore. Its now out of fashion to be religious or claim that you are heading to church in Britain, except if you are an African origin or south American or American or Italian or such other religious country. Why should Britain sell out its values?! Some of the answers to this are freedom, excuses and finding faults at Christianity. Christmas, is what most people consider to be a religious event from the past and of cause about the birth of Christ, but then, why would not the government do all it can to defend, protect and enhance the practice of this religion in our society? Why should you allow foreigners to come in and remind Britain of its past glory as once a religious nation? How religiously secular must Britain be? Defender of all faith, is differ from defender of THE FAITH and our faith. Where are the missionaries that took Christianity to different part of the world from Great Britain? I feel something had gone wrong somewhere, and Britain should fight back to recapture her religious glory. After all, the national anthem of Great Britain [when it was truly Great], was a composed prayer as in.... God save our gracious Queen...and it ends with God save of our Queen. GOD, has a hand in Britain, looking at the history of the Anglo-Saxon and the rest of the lot. Ehmm...did I heard recently that in the future coronation that moslem clergy may be invited to recite a passage of the Quaran, while also the Christian clergy recite a passage in the Bible? Then that may open up more other religion invitees such as buddhist, Hindu and many more for future coronation and ceremony. Could that be tried in Saudi Arabia, where Christian clergy are invited to read the Bible in coronation? This is serious stuff and it better be looked into by the institution of this country, before the go ahead is granted. This is gone too far. A sold out, already made out of Britain. In conclusion. Britain is traditionally a Christian nation, and not just a Christmas celebrated opportunity one. Do not only know Jesus at Christmas, get to know Him daily, at work, in your studies, in the lab, in the parliament on the street, in the school curriculum, at higher institutions and among politicians. Let me finish, by saying Gods law is natural and it need not be tampered with. Thank you, and merry Christmas.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:06:34 +0000

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