CHRISTMAS SPENDING CAUTION--FROM MAMA DEBORAH, CPA: This is a good time to set your TOTAL HOLIDAY SPENDING budget (actually, several months ago would have been better). Dont get caught up in the frenzy. Heres what to do today: 1) Determine how much CASH you have available to spend (if you plan to charge stuff, plan to pay off the ENTIRE amount in Jan. I just got a J.C. Penny charge card this week, to take advantage of a certain deal. The interest rate is 26.99%! I never pay interest on any card. I simply pay off the account immediately; you can do this as soon as they ring up your transaction if you are bold enough (lol). Hey, I just wanted the discount!) If you have to wait until you get your check to buy something--which means you have no existing reserves--YOU CANNOT AFFORD IT. Embrace this reality and endeavor to change it, starting now. You are a smart person. You are not stuck on stupid. Did you know that God gives resources according to what you have proven you can handle? {Matthew 25:15 NKJV: And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ABILITY...} (yup...ability to manage. Want more $$? Prove it by managing well what you have already.) 2) Make your list and allocate a certain amount per person. Consider making or baking a gift for some of the people. 3) Shop online and save the gas, frustration, and sore feet from standing in line. 4) Consider giving to the poor instead of the spoiled or entitled folks on your list. Christmas is a celebration of Jesus birthday. Give to those he would have given to. Heres what weve done in the past: Give new blankets to the people on Skid Row. Keep extra cash handy when shopping to give to street beggars or people who look like they are struggling to pay for their groceries at the checkout counter {hint: a mother with kids who start putting stuff back after they ring the total), single mom only buying 2 gallons of gas, etc. 5) Give those nice clothes and shoes to your fav charity. Youll get back to that size at some point (lol) so plant them as a seed in that direction. More later... share your suggestions for blessing others. Tis the season. Most of us have enough stuff... we dont need any more gifts anyway. IF YOU ARE RICH, IGNORE MOST OF THE ADVICE ABOVE EXCEPT FOR GIVING TO THE POOR!! Sorry to make this so long; God must love yall cause Im supposed to be writing my book!!! This is Mama Deborah--the CPA-- expressing love to her FB friends. Receive it!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 18:00:40 +0000

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