CHRISTMAS WEEK! HAPPY HOLIDAY. On December 23, 2014, - TopicsExpress


CHRISTMAS WEEK! HAPPY HOLIDAY. On December 23, 2014, Saturn—the ruler of maturity, growth and challenges—leaves watery Scorpio for fiery Sagittarius, where it will stay until December 19, 2017. Saturn visits each zodiac sign every 28-30 years, so its arrival heralds a definitive two-to-three year period that reveals where our toughest lessons will be. Saturn’s last tour of Sagittarius was November 1985 until November 1988, so if you were born then, dial back through your personal history. You may see recurring themes, or issues that resurface. Saturn spotlights your “life’s work,” so stand tall and get cracking on the next round of this soul assignment. Saturn and Sagittarius are strange bedfellows, because Sagittarius is the sign of optimism and expansion, while Saturn is all about restriction and harsh reality checks. But this blending of opposites could actually strike a healthy balance. Under Saturn’s measured approach, we may see the combustible global politics and uprising settle down again. Saturn can influence leaders, or leadership style, and with philosophical Sagittarius here, we may see some fascinating people rise through the ranks. Of course, as a brash fire-sign, Sagittarius can be rather dogmatic and outspoken, so we might also see a few grandstanding “armchair philosophers” who are more talk than action. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, mythic god of the feast, quite a contrast to self-disciplined Saturn. Our appetites for excess could meet a reality check. Sagittarius is also about higher education and philosophy, and this transit could be a boon for the personal growth industry. The cream rises to the top under Saturn’s reign, so any half-stepping leaders or false gurus will surely be exposed by Saturn’s audit. Belief systems also fall under Sagittarius domain, and under Saturn’s influence, new policies may be added to crack down on corruption within religious organizations. SIGNS: Aries –SATURN entering the sign of SAG on DEC 23 adds a bit of spark to your unique personality, an extra dose of charisma and challenge. Time to start a new project, focus on your health, and kick yourself in gear for spring. Taurus- An interesting transit regarding love, whether existing or new as SATURN now in SAG transits your area of monies. This is a time where you may find yourself really trying to get it right as past issues may force you to be aware of old habits. Its time to purge yourself and bring in some fresh ideas relating to your money plan for 2015. Gemini – Lots of movement in your area of social encounters and friendships, as your need to rethink your present relationships has you in a flux now that SATURN in SAG occupies your area of partnerships. Its all about attitude and getting it right as you find yourself rethinking your approach to relationships whether business or personal related. Cancer – AS SATURN now in SAG takes place in your area of health and responsibilities, you may discover yourself becoming more in-tuned to your body. A good period to focus in on health and fitness. Also a great week to cycle in some R & R, as the tension between work and home may have you feeling pulled in a zillion directions. Leo – Where money is concerned, timing is the key. Pay attention to your instincts as to how to handle what you have, and how not to be too hasty. Although on the flip side, SATURN now in your area of speculation, may provide you with all the inspiration you need to get yourself back on track. In addition, the trine to your natal SUN creates a more positive outlook. Virgo – As SATURN now in Sagittarius at odds with your own sign creates a shift in your home environment. You may see yourself moving into a new direction with family and friends as your need to set some healthy limits holds true. Also, a good week to take stock of yourself when finally getting to a place where you have the time to get things done. Libra – Saturns transit in Sagittarius, now in your area of chat merely brings to light your ability to focus on getting the right words out. Family, friends and even neighbors provide a source of support.. Also, a great week to pay attention to security measures as PLUTO continues to transit your area of home. Better to be careful than sorry. Scorpio – Youre in the health zone this week as SATURN in sync with your own sign creates a nice stabilizing factor whether financial or business related. A great period to do something different like focusing on your culinary skills, work out, get your finances in order. Taking responsibility is the key. Sagittarius - Matters of the heart may be intense during this time as SATURN traveling through your own sign encourages you to step out the of your box; to seek out. Also, speculation can be interesting as well as bountiful as long as you think before you leap. Its important that during this transit that you pay very close attention to small details. Capricorn -Your mind and home life may be on overload this week as your need to discover alternatives in your way of living are highly indicated. A good time to change your perspective on what it is you truly want and desire. as SATURN now traveling through your area of thought reinforces your thought process. Also, family matters may have you feeling pressured, take time to sit down and communicate your feelings. Aquarius – So many financial obligations creeping in, time to really take a look at what is happening around you. Trust can be a funny thing; time to read between the lines.Also your ability to express yourself is clearly your gift, once you are comfortable with your audience. However with SATURN transiting your area of friendships, you may find a great source of support. Pisces – Though your focus is not entirely on money, this is a period where your instincts for financial security kick in. SATURN traveling through the zenith part of your chart, focuses on finance as well as career direction. A great cycle for doing what you do best, and that is follow-through. Janet Amid is a columnist that writes for Sylvania Advantage, and can be seen on Alternate Wednesdays on Channel 11 and Channel 36, and can be heard on 92.5 KISS FM Monday Mornings between 8:15 and 8:45 AM
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 20:08:11 +0000

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