CHRONICLE OF THE EAGLE – EYE REVELATION OF TRUTH ABOUT THE STATE OF EKITI STATE UNIVERSITY UNDER THE “JEGUDUJERA-JAGUDA” VICE-CHANCELLOR: PROF. OLADIPO AINA (Part 1). INTRODUCTION Silence can only be golden in an atmosphere of peace; where there are accountability, equality, transparency, justice and service-delivery. It becomes unbearable and almost impossible in the face of fraud, imposition, racketeering, exploitation and looting; as palpable in the present case of Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti under the supervision of Prof. Oladipo Aina (A Fayemi imposed Vice-Chancellor). Let the University Community be informed that the Judgement day beckons and the hour of reckoning is here. Be assured of the fact that every illicit deal recorded directly or indirectly under the command of Prof. Oladipo Aina shall be thoroughly investigated and accounted for; having discovered the grand-plan to squeeze the life out of our dear University financially. Our facts are available in prints, to establish the innumerable shady deals orchestrated by the Chief Execu-THIEF Officer of the University (Mr VC) and his co-travellers towards crippling the University system. Consequently, the wrath of judgement is here Mr Vice-Chancellor and it shall not only consume you but your goons and other corrupt infidels across the length and breadth of this University. UNCONTESTABLE FACTS: FOOD FOR THOUGHT My people, have you heard, that: - Your Vice-Chancellor (Prof. Oladipo Aina) recently bribed the Chairman of Council Prof. Babajide Osintokun with a Jeep worth of 20million naira. Yet, they keep giving excuses that the University is financially handicapped. - This useless old fool called the Chairman of the Governing Council was once responsible for the cancellation of the College of Medicine and now, he is planning same again as undertaker for the burial of the University College of Medicine (the ongoing dilemma of the Clinical Sciences). - Presently, members of the Governing Council have been relegated as lame duck members since every paper-policy requesting healthy deliberation is now being granted Executive Approval unilaterally by the Council Chairman (No wonder the 20million worth Jeep). - The Unions (ASUU, SSANU &NASU) are only being deceived that the University isn’t buoyant financially considering how fund is being mismanaged in the high places, please pay us our entitlements. Members should as a matter of urgency mandate their respective Union Leader(s) to get their demands approved or it would be affirmative that most Union Leaders have been sold-out truly; just as the VC often boasts that he had graciously appointed so many relatives of the various Union Leaders into the University as staff (Greek-Gift and Poison). - The Vice-Chancellor in an attempt to further entrench his evil plot orchestrated the arbitrary removal of the Deans and substituted them with his puppets and assigned them with evil tasks (Does he has the Power?). Let all these newly appointed Deans in the University be seriously warned because the Eagle eye is watching them. - The appointment and promotion of Teaching/Non-Teaching staff; and approval of Contracts are now being decided inside the Governor’s Office. Staff who patronizes APC naturally enjoy accelerated but illegal promotion while others languish in stagnancy this will be manifested in the forthcoming A&P and ATSE meetings (Where is our University Autonomy?). The Deans and other members of these committees should shine their eyes as The Eagle Eye is watching and all these illegalities shall be revisited appropriately. - The motive behind the clandestine raking of University funds through centralization of cash-flow has been revealed as not to control corruption in the system but to steal. - The roofs of the University buildings that are being repaired all over the University are part of their grand-scheme to guzzle-away the resources of the University. - Any moment from now, the Vice-Chancellor plans to run away with all the money he has gathered under the guise of Medical leave; since October 16, 2014 is already around the corner and his chances of continuity aren’t certain. CONCLUSION Those beguiled by their incessant lies of photochromic performance shall in no distant time agree with us that all that had been witnessed under Oladipo Aina were not only window-dressing but cosmetic in nature; as there is no singular visible achievement so far. Aina is almost a canker-worm than a blessing to us in this University. We shall present in hardcopies, copies of the receipts and invoices used for their shady transactions in our next edition. Until then, THE EAGLE EYE SHALL CONTINUE TO WATCH! ………………………………Please expect the Part (II) of this write-up soon.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 02:49:04 +0000

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