CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS CONCERNING AMERICAN CITIZEN AND FUGITIVE FAHD AL-HIBSHI, WHO IS TRAPPED IN SAUDI ARABIA. **NOTE: The following notes and timeline were provided to the Law Office of William A. Hannosh by Nancy Al-Hibshi, who is the mother of Fahd Al-Hibshi, an American citizen and fugitive who has been stranded in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for at least four months now. His whereabouts are unknown and his situation has worsened and become more and more desperate. The entire purpose of this posting is to raise awareness and create a social media campaign to help Fahd Al-Hibshi become absolved of all criminal allegations lodged against him and ultimately, to bring him back home to La Mesa, California, where he belongs. ===================================================== DISCLAIMER. The facts and circumstances as stated in this chronology have been reviewed and checked to the best extent possible by this law office, as is defined by California Code of Civil Procedure 128.7 and the California Rules of Professional Conduct. Specifically, the Law Office of William A. Hannosh warrants that it certifies to the best of its knowledge, information, and belief, formed after an inquiry reasonable under the circumstances, that: (1) this claim is not being presented primarily for an improper purpose, such as to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or needless increase in the cost of litigation; and (2) the claims, defenses, and other legal contentions therein are warranted by existing law or by a nonfrivolous argument for the extension, modification, or reversal of existing law or the establishment of new law; and (3) the allegations and other factual contentions have evidentiary support or, if specifically so identified, are likely to have evidentiary support after a reasonable opportunity for further inquiry. ===================================================== Oct 2008 Fahd Al-Hibshi went to Saudi Arabia to put closure to father’s estate and finalize legal documents regarding his father. Dec 2008 Announced to the courts that he and his siblings are the rightful heirs of the late Mohammad Bilal Al-Hibshi. Went to airport before two months ended and was told he could not leave Saudi Arabia because he does not have the correct documents. This was a shock of his life as he had his American passport. March 2008 Fahd Al-Hibshi went to American Consulate to seek help to leave and they said he must go through the process of becoming a Saudi Arabian citizen in order to leave the country. Never was told that he had to give up his U.S. citizenship, so he applied for a three-month visa to visit his family in the United States. 2008 Went to Saudi immigration office to process a visa to leave Saudi Arabia. Office kept telling Fahd to come back next week and check the status. 2009 While waiting for his documents to process to return to the United States, he researched more information about his father and met his future wife, Sumr. Both Sumr and Fahd worked together in researching about Fahds father (and his estate) and trying to leave Saudi Arabia to come back to the States. April - July 2010 A temporary visa document was prepared for travel back to the U.S.A. April-July 2010 Fahd Al-Hibshi came to visit his mother and siblings in San Diego, California Fahd went back to Saudi Arabia to finalize papers and to marry his future wife, Sumr. July 2010 Fahd Al-Hibshi went back to Saudi Arabia, married Sumr and continued paperwork and while Sumr went to school. Because he was not a Saudi citizen, Fahd was unable to work in any established business and drive or open a bank account. In 2011 Fahd Al-Hibshi visited Saudi immigration office several times regarding his papers and matters affecting his late father. This office kept saying come back in two weeks, Fahd would do so, and nothing was done with his papers. June 2012 Although he spoke little to no Arabic, Fahd worked as a commercial liaison for car dealership. June 5 2013 Fahd continued to work as liaison for car dealership with two men who were brothers: Hattan Ahmad Bakaswain, Wafi Ahmad Bakaswain, and associate of the brothers Hassan Ali Alamyri phone numbers. Fahd met with Hassan at office location and was attacked physically. His laptop was stolen. This laptop also contained information that would exculpate Fahd Al-Hibshi of any charges of crime or commercial fraud. At this point, there were allegations being made that Fahd Al-Hibshi had stolen vehicles and/or committed embezzlement of money paid by clients. June 6 2013 Fahd Al-Hibshi reported to Saudi police and contacted the American consulate. Allegedly, the Saudi police made a report but did nothing to look into the matter. June 7 2013 Nancy Al-Hibshi, Fahds mother, called Congresswoman Susan Davis to make an appointment to discuss what her son was facing in Saudi Arabia. By this time, Fahd was physically attacked by three men in a business office before he reported the incident to Saudi police. He then went to a hospital for treatment. Fahd reported this incident to the FBI as he was in fear of his life and the safety of his wife, Sumr. June 8 2013 Nancy Al-Hibshi called American consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia regarding the attack on her son. Nothing was done by Saudi authorities or the American consulate to protect or safeguard Fahd Al-Hibshi. June 11 2013 Fahd met with high-ranking Saudi official to inform him that he never received any vehicles or money from clients. He also reported that other individuals had stolen some 23 vehicles, along with the clients monies paid. June 15 2013 Fahd sent complaints of his plight to Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington, D.C. These complaints were translated into Arabic and sent via certified mail. Apparently, no actions were taken upon receipt of these complaints, alleges Nancy Al-Hibshi. June 20 2013 Fahd received death threats and other threats to kidnap his wife Sumr if Fahd did not agree to go along and take the blame of stolen vehicles and/or money. Fahd and Sumr fear for their lives and safety in the meantime. June 21 2013 Nancy Al-Hibshi contacts offices of Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein to help her son. No response or feedback was received by Nancy. June 22 2013 Attempts to contact the American consulate in Jeddah continue, with no significant response or feedback provided. In mid or late 2013 Fahd and his wife, Sumr, continue to fear for their lives. Meanwhile, three (or four) co-conspirators who committed the fraud or commercial fraud crimes begin to gather information about Sumrs workplace and school, with the intent to harass and intimidate her. Subpoenas and other court documents begin to be issued to Fahd Al-Hibshi, after several customers lodge complaints with the Saudi judicial system. Sumr reports the continued threats and harassment she has been receiving from these men, to Saudi authorities, with little to no help offered to her. Fahd Al-Hibshi could not leave his apartment fear for his safety and that of his wife. In mid or late 2013 Fahd received help from local attorney who cleared his name on first set of allegations or complaint. After attack 2013 Fahd received over 22 more subpoenas to appear in court for crimes he did not commit. Fahd did not show up to court because five or six men were waiting outside his apartment to stop him from appearing. They threatened him by banging on the door and using death threats. Each time Sumr left the apartment, she was harassed by these same five or six men. Allegedly, Saudi police never took these reports seriously. Feb 3 2014 Nancy Al-Hibshi writes letters to President Barrack Obama and Secretary of State A standard e-mail response was sent back to Mrs. Al-Hibshi. Late Feb 2014 Sumr and Fahd are compelled to separate in fear of death threats, stalking, and other forms of harassment by these same men who kept Fahd Al-Hibshi from appearing in court. Sumr begins to stay with her family and Fahd is now in an undisclosed location in Saudi Arabia. April 2014 Local attorney in San Diego sends correspondence to Congressman Darrel Issa’s office requesting assistance through diplomatic channels to assist Fahd Al-Hibshi. The matter was referred to Congressman Duncan Hunters Office by Congressman Issas staff as Mr. Al-Hibshi does not reside in the formers district. March 2014 to present Fahd Al-Hibshi is now considered a flight risk, fugitive, while at least two warrants have been issued for his arrest. He remains in an undisclosed location. Fahd Al-Hibshi needs the media and social media attention of the watching world so that his innocence may be proven, as he has been framed for commercial crimes he never committed. It is Nancy Al-Hibshis hope, prayer and desire to see her son again here so that they may return to their normal lives. Presently, Fahd Al-Hibshi is in an undisclosed location in Saudi Arabia as a fugitive for crimes he never committed. Fearing for his life and that of his wife, he is not sure if he will ever come back home to United States. Fahd is in an emotionally desperate state and his mental and physical health continue to worsen each day. He has no assets or income by which he can rely to buy food or drink on a daily basis. He is in great, great need of our help and it is time his story is told on worldwide social media. Please do share and publicize this posting. Thank you.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 20:07:34 +0000

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