CHRR, Cedep Joins Pres. Mutharika; Appeals for Increased National - TopicsExpress


CHRR, Cedep Joins Pres. Mutharika; Appeals for Increased National and Global Response on Rainfall Disaster Areas Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) and Centre for Development of People (CEDEP), says the continuous downpour Malawi is experiencing requires “urgent and robust” solutions from everyone. The two human rights institutions have made the call in a joint statement released on Wednesday afternoon. The institutions expresses great shock the devastation the continuous downpour has caused on the country in the process claiming 48 lives and leaving at least 70, 000 people displaced nationwide and several property destroyed. “We have learnt with sadness that 15 districts including Rumphi, Machinga, Mangochi, Salima, Mulanje, Karonga, Phalombe, Nsanje and Chikhwawa have been adversely affected with this catastrophe. We at CHRR and Cedep offer our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families and pray that their souls rest in peace.” For this problem the two institutions said it is for no doubt that Malawi is in a crisis that requires urgent and robust solutions in the best interest of the nation not only from government but also all key stakeholders including the civil society, faith community, media, international community and others. The executive directors for CHRR and Cedep Timothy Mtambo and Gift Trapence respectively who signed the statement applauds government, all stakeholders both locally and internationally, who responded swiftly in providing various forms of assistance to the victims. “We also commend President Peter Mutharika for taking lead in government’s response to this emergency by amongst other things appealing for concerted, unified efforts from all stakeholders to ensure that all prevailing problems resulting from this catastrophe are sorted out. We therefore would like to join hands with the President and the government by appealing for increased national and global response to help in alleviating the problem at hand bearing in mind that human rights issues are at stake due to the catastrophe.” The two institutions however, have urged government to come up with clear transparent, monitoring mechanisms to ensure that all resources meant for such purposes reach the intended targeted people. On Tuesday 13th January 2015, in accordance with powers conferred upon him by Section 32(1) of the Disaster Preparedness and Relief Act, President Professor Peter Mutharika declared all the districts that have been affected by floods Disaster Areas, with immediate effect. “I mourn with those that have lost relatives as a results of these heavy rains. And I pray for the souls of our departed brothers and sisters to rest in peace.” Said president Mutharika President Mutharika noted that Government has started to provide assistance to the displaced households and that Malawi Defence Force has already been requested to undertake rescue operations using boats. The president however, indicated that assessment of the impact of the floods is a problem currently because most of the affected areas are inaccessible “T/A Mlolo, for example, is inaccessible and a lot of people need to be rescued to higher ground as they are stranded.” President Mutharika further appealed for humanitarian assistance, from the International donor community, the relevant United Nations agencies, the Non Governmental Organisations, the local private sector as well as all citizens of goodwill. “Together, we can contribute in alleviating suffering on the part of people affected by the floods.” He said but assured that Government will see to it that relief assistance is provided to all the affected people in the affected districts. Some parts of the country, especially in the Southern Region, have experienced a lot of heavy rainfall since last week. This rainfall has resulted in heavy flooding where a lot of people’s houses and household property have been damaged rendering the affected households displaced and some people have also lost their lives as a result of the floods. Currently number of affected people is increasing making relief requirements also to increase it is clear that additional resources are required to provide assistance to all the affected people.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 12:52:10 +0000

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