CHUCKS TAKE ON THE MOVIE NOAH....Part 2...Thanks for all your - TopicsExpress


CHUCKS TAKE ON THE MOVIE NOAH....Part 2...Thanks for all your responses... Jody Chansler, I love`re thinking!!!! Rock Monsters....RIDICULOUS!!!! Or - are they? First of all, I think we need to understand metaphors. The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe, Lord of the Rings, and The Matrix was CHOCK full of metaphors. Jesus even spoke in metaphors. Look in John Chapter 6. John 6:66 (interesting this particular passage is 666) says that As a result of this (what Jesus said) many of His disciples withdrew (walked away), and were not walking with Him anymore (they left Him). What got them all so upset that they left enmasse? Jesus was talking about cannibalism. Confused? Good....grab your Bible and find out for yourself what it all meant, and the metaphor He used. What is a metaphor? ITS A POWERFUL MOTOR IINSIDE A HONDA PRELUDE!! Seriously, A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes a subject by asserting that it is, on some point of comparison, the same as another otherwise unrelated object. Metaphor is a type of analogy and is closely related to other rhetorical speech that achieve their effects via association, comparison or resemblance including allegory, hyperbole, and simile. In simpler terms, a metaphor compares two objects/things without using the words like or as. Lets look at Eze. 36:26: And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. How can you have a heart of rock? The only one who can do that is Ben from The Fantastic Four!! Okay, Rock Monsters (as they have been referred to on Facebook) are actually The Watchers. Now true, the theology around them is far from accurate. They are however, angelic beings that were cast out of heaven by God when Satan fell. And yes, in the movie they blame God for their plight. But really,, is this somewhat no different than when things dont go the way we expect in our lives we blame God? Good comparison Chuck! Thank you! Now it does appear in Genesis 2:4-9 that the only place that had any vegetation was the Garden of Eden - the rest of the earth was barren. Only upon their expulsion from the garden did God make the earth to bring forth fruit and field, but with great work to be done to make it so. Now in Gensis 6:1-2 is where we see the mention of these fallen angels, known as sons of God (which is a term used very specifically in reference to angels in the Old Testament). So we know these beings were human and cohabitated with earthly women and bore children. Even though the Rock Monsters in the movie do not convey this properly, I see them more as a metaphor for something else. The fallen angels could NEVER be granted redemption, but the Rock Monsters do eventually find redemption for fighting on behalf of Gods chosen, and as they are killed, they acknowledge their sin and seek forgiveness, and the spiritual beings inside the rock formations are released back to heaven. Heres what I sense: first of all that maybe the director or someone in the creative process department recognized the need for their own redemption, and that maybe somewhere along the way they put on paper and on film their own struggle to seek redemption. I get that. Also, how many of us struggle as spiritual beings held within the confines of an earthly body? In our case, it is flesh, in the case of these creatures, it is stone - rock. I know I struggle many times with the things I know I ought to do and dont do, and the things that I shouldnt do I do (Paul Romans 7:19-20). It is natural for us to struggle with the spiritual being within. To me these creatures represent the struggle to be released or to be free from the confines of earthly material. Luke 7:47 says Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.” Now, all of us require the SAME AMOUNT of grace to be forgiven. So am I saying that a person who hasnt done much in their past and is forgiven at an early age cannot love as much as someone who has been forgiven a lot? No, I am not saying that. However, it is difficult for a person who has been imprisoned most of their lives to be understood 100% by one who has lived in freedom all their lives. As an example, theres not a single one of us in North America that can TRULY, 100% understand what it is like to grow up in a home in Ethiopia or Somalia. I see these Rock Monsters as prisoners of their own devices - I can relate to them and their plight - even though they arent represented 100% theologically correct on screen. To me - its the metaphor they stand for - because I identify with that! And really, how many of us have the potential to have monsters lurking in us? Look at the fate of mankind and his ultimate failure to make it look good?!?`` Look at the Jimmy Swaggerts of this world, the Jim Bakers, the `spiritual beings that wrestled with the bulky, earthly mass of being in a sinful body - a hardened body, a hardened heart, a heart of stone. In our own churches, even our mega churches - weve seen people fall from the towers WE PUT THEM IN!! More and more we understand that this isnt simple - it isnt easy - that unless we truly look within and get a handle on it - there is a rock monster living inside each of us!! I get the rock monsters in the movie - I understand them, I identify with them, I know their plight as a spiritual being that is caught inside a body made from this earth. And I truly understand the great forgiveness they find in the end, and the redemption they experience. I have been judges and still am judges to this day because of things from my past - prisons of my own device. And there are some out there that put so much judgement of their law around my neck that I can no longer hold my head up high or walk uprightly. And it feels like a ton of rock on me. But when I realize it is by grace you are save, through faith, and not of your own works, and that God has forgiven me for all my past errors, I too can feel released like the rock monsters in this movie!! When you have 500 kilometers to drive everynight you spend a lot of time praying, listening to the Classic Hits station...and thinking. Im confused by us as Christians as a whole anymore - more so our own hypocrisy. Now I am not talking about anyone I know, but in general so-called Christian Media and talking heads. Were willing to accept scriptural applications to movies like The Matrix (Neo - standing for New and supposedly representing Christ), The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (and all the symbolisms it conveys), and Lord of the Rings (Gandolf represents Christ) and how much weight we put on even ONE LINE out of that movie quoted by Gandalf There is only one Lord of the Ring, only one who can bend it to his will. And he does not share power!! I remember Bible Studies being set up to discuss these movies!!! And yet - a movie like Noah gets knocked!!!! MAN - I GOT MORE OUT OF NOAH THAN I DID ALL THREE OF THE MOVIES I JUST MENTIONED!!! Id LOVE to set up a Bible Study around this movie. You may say Im reading WAY TOO MUCH INTO what? Its what spoke to me and what I identified with!!!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 12:49:28 +0000

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