CI3 was an absolute blast. We saw a very healthy turnout at our - TopicsExpress


CI3 was an absolute blast. We saw a very healthy turnout at our Touhou booth. Its a healthy sign that Penang is full of Touhou fans, and we will definitely be bringing more of these sot of events to you guys in future. Thanks for coming out to play with us. We tried out a lot of newer things this time round, including a TSA tournament hosting by Gungnir and friends, as well as running Soku and Danmaku side by side. Very happy to see danmaku getting more and more exposure, and we hope that this will continue to be the trend in the events to come. We also got WolfDen Doujin in this time to offer Touhou merchandise, including badges and artbooks. Id like to thank everyone who made a purchase with us in this regard. Your support will go a long way toward keeping the Malaysian Touhou doujin scene alive and kicking. Id also like to take this opportunity to thank the staff members who came on this trip as well. Without you guys, we could never have succeeded in pulling this off. It was a hard and gruelling two days, but in the end, I believe we all enjoyed ourselves very much. Until we meet again, see you Next Dream. - Kairyu
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 10:22:07 +0000

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