CIA AND DoD MIND CONTROL IS DESIGNED TO ALTER YOUR DAILY MOTIVES AND EMOTIONAL PERCEPTIONS Remember they are trying to alter your daily motives and emotional perceptions. The remote neural monitoring system is designed to provoke you emotionally so they can generate response statistics which the system will use to determine how to interpret and link descriptions with data captured about your memory references. That is why they are constantly trying to keep you talking, or constantly stopping you and asking for directions, etc THEY ARE USING YOUR OWN PREVIOUS MEMORIES AGAINST YOU Once they have consistent RESPONSE STATISTICS the system will use previous choice references or previous patterns of your choices and inject them into your subconscious thought during normal activity which is also referred to as impulse injections to convince you that the response was your own and influence you to complete or describe the reference by making the appropriate verbalizing or performing a related action, which is known as Verification. You can fight and/or control this if you learn to defeat these memory attacks by learning to read active memory. Reading Active Memory means being able to contrast your own normal thoughts and emotions from their artificial impulse injections. Everything they do is based on patterns, meaning they are seeking to establish coherent patterns of your habits, thoughts, emotions, etc. Look for patterns. If you find yourself obsessively thinking about something continuously you must realize it is their remote neural manipulation system, not you. Trace your pattern of thoughts by constantly maintaining Situtational Awareness. The illogical pattern of those thoughts is what reveals it is happening. For example, during their experimental research and development they kept injecting thoughts, emotions and imagery regarding a particular watch they knew I liked. They didnt care about the watch but rather about my evoked potentials concerning the watch, such as going and buying it or searching for it on the internet. For them it is all about the technology, not about you. I recognized the illogical pattern of thoughts and emotions concerning the watch and realized I was being experimented on using my own previous choices and memories. Once they see what you respond to emotionally, or intellectually, they will fabricate conversational or situational scenarios (Street Theater) based on events or topics they know will capture your attention. Remote Neural Manipulation is accomplished via their systems ability to interpret your thoughts and is wholly dependent on its ability to predict and influence your reference choices or impulse sequencing during thought composition. The system maps patterns with impulses and identifiers (evoked potentials) and uses statistical data about your composition habits to predict how you will think or act as you begin to formulate thoughts or prepare to act. The systems ability to define and map these references intelligibly depends on your cooperation [or ignorance] and the attackers ability to make sense of what they see visually or what they can guess based on your past activity. If you keep a constant handle on your state of activity as well as your situational perception you will recognize conflicting impulses and although it is possible for the system to overpower your impulses, if you understand the attacks you will be able to recognize the physical changes resulting from these powerful impulses and this should prompt you to re-evaluate your current state. Seeing the relationship between your own memory references and the systems output of artificial memory injections [which can be a specific directed energy attack, an audible forced speech sequence, etc., is critical to understanding how to control and ultimately defeat thought-triggered attacks in addition to preventing the attackers from deceiving you with their cognitive magic tricks. Although by cooperating and allowing the system to interpret and define your daily activity you may find that the suggestions become more tolerable as the system is designed to mimic your normal cognitive behavior, I would recommend not allowing this as you will tend to more readily accept the systems influence, and the purpose of the system influencing you in this manner is to give the attackers the ability to restrict you at will and to allow them to deceive or manipulate you subconsciously. You can only counter these restrictions if you are able to contrast the systems influence from your own willful activity. Unless you have been tortured to near-incoherency you should be able to fight the systems influences. What they do is a game of Deception and Manipulation, nothing more. Do not accept anything they say as truth and do not acknowledge anything the system interrogates you about as truth. The system will take random bits of anything it captures through your senses and fabricate stories which they will use to harass and interrogate you with no intention other than to distract and torture you into submission [to the systems influence].
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 00:11:33 +0000

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