CIA DoD OPERATIVES CONTINUE TORTURE & TERROR TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL AGAINST AMERICAN WHISTLE BLOWER BRYAN TEW IN BOGOTA COLOMBIA DEC 31 2014 They are keeping my body in a constant state of hypertension stress agitation anxiety and pain because trauma based mind control cannot exist without extreme physical and psychological trauma and so they keep the trauma based mind-control victim in a constant state of stress fear of death paranoia and so on. As you can see from the third picture my normal blood pressure and heart rate at a position of rest is 115 over 70 with 70 beats per minute. However the continuous and sustained stream of directed electromagnetic energy is keeping my body in a constant state of pain, hypertension and stress which is part of their trauma based mind control monarch program. They use trauma and pain to depattern or clear the brain of the mind control victim of all thoughts and motions memories and so forth so that they can move in and re pattern the brain of the mind control victim with directed energy waves microwaves synthetic telepathy neuro linguistic programming psychic driving dream modulation harmonics and so on. They have so severely damaged my brain that I am suffering the effects of motor neurological disease in my hands. My hands dont function properly anymore and the skin is painful to the touch if I stretch it this is the early onset of motor neurological disease caused by the effects long term effects for years of the directed energy waves on my brain. they are using extreme trauma and pain caused by directed energy waves to fragment my core personality in order to create multiple personality disorder to reprogram my brain to do terrible things to people. the proof that they have damaged my brain can be evidenced by the damage to my other internal organs such as my ears. Doctors have diagnosed severe acoustic trauma and nerve damage to both ears caused by long-term sustained exposure to directed energy attacks including silent sound ultrasound ultrasonic attacks.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 04:56:20 +0000

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