CIA & DoD OPERATIVES WHO ENGAGE IN THE MIND CONTROL TORTURE AND MURDER OF AMERICANS WILL EXPERIENCE THEIR OWN PERSONAL HORROR CHAMBER FOREVER! Targeted Individuals are filled with rage, remorse, regret, etc., and want revenge. Purge all of that from your mind because it is exactly what these sociopaths want in order to control you. Waiting for them, is an eternal horror beyond the ability of the human mind to comprehend. There are places in Hell that the lost, who are without hope, still hope they will never see. Many near death experiences have confirmed one of these areas in hell known as the Pit, which is what it is called by those that dwelt inside that have come back to talk of it after suffering a near death experience. Hitler is in this area as are many other who have been seen. The Pit is full of endless personal horror chambers that are exactly 14 ft wide when viewed from the outside but which are endless and seem to go on forever once inside those horror chambers. The fate awaiting these CIA and DoD Sociopaths s far worse than anything you could ever do to them. If they think they can live like Hell and then repent later they are wrong. Had they never heard the gospel they could still be saved but they cannot engage in these horrors of directed energy weapon torture and think they can just go to mass, say a prayer, and it will all be ok. A witness viewed a woman as she fell into Hell. She had led a sinful, selfish and violent life. As her soul descended into Hell she actually fell sideways and then straight into one of these chambers. It was beautiful inside of this horror chamber and suddenly she saw her grandmother smiling and waving. Her grandmother approached, but it was not her grandmother. Smiling the old woman asked her grand daughter if she would like her to bake some cookies at which she responded, yes, please. The woman who had just fallen into Hell gazed around and the incredible beauty around her. the trees, streams, flowers, etc., were more greener and more beautiful than she had ever seen in her life. As what she thought was her grand mother walked away toward a house in the distance, the woman sat down next to a tall tree and an exquisite stream of incredible beauty to look at her reflection in the water, but something was terribly wrong. As she stared into the water she then dipped her hand into it to take a drink but when she submerged her hand in the water to draw a drink each time she lifter her hand it was dry, not wet. Suddenly, she was inundated by feelings of despair and depression. She looked around to see what was causing this. She stood up to try and endure the pain, After a moment she realized she was not in Heaven, and wondered hwere she might be. Overcome with pain she turned around and around wondering how such beautiful environment could suddenly begin changing so quickly. As the man who had the near death experienced witnessed all of this he saw what happened next. Suddenly, the branches of the tree grabbed her pulling her inside of the tree. The next thing the man standing outside heard were her screams, which would endure forever, IT WAS NOT A TREE! Unable to endure the horror as the woman was slowly being tortured and mutilated he turned away and walked to the next chamber. POINT IS, WE SUFFER FOR ONLY A FEW DAYS. THEY WILL SUFFER FOR ETERNITY IF THEY DO NOT ACCEOT JESUS AND CHANGE. See the incredible near death experience of this man in this video. He was rescued from Hell by Jesus, who had told the man he was about to enter a land best unseen. youtube/watch?v=h2X5uAB692A
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 21:03:30 +0000

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