CIA financial wizard thinks USA is facing a 25 year great - TopicsExpress


CIA financial wizard thinks USA is facing a 25 year great depression which will result, among other things, US dollars decline as a world reserve currency, and bring the 100 trillion US debt crashing on its economic and social fabric. If that happens, most of us middle class people, even in Canada and in most of the western world, may find ourselves impoverished - firstly due to an unavoidable stock crash that makes all investments sink to record lows. Next, all our savings, unless they are cash reserves in banks in currencies that are immune to upheavals, will also amount to nothing much. Combine with it the fact that part of the manufacturing industry will collapse, with non-essential items going out of business due collapse of sale, and millions and millions going unemployed and flooding the countryside looking for ways to sustain themselves somehow. Is this going to happen? My gut has been saying this is an inevitable consequence of creating money out of thin air, essentially counterfeiting, by most of the Governments of the world - lead by USA, along with promoting an unsustainable model of growth. Thats what my gut says. My heart says, perhaps this can be pushed back another decade or two before the great collapse. In other words, the collapse should happen after Tony Mitra is dead and buried or cremated. My head says, there will be major wars and conflicts in a series of shock-therapies to push back at the collapse, till collapse becomes, one way or another inevitable. This comes to me from a belief that a) if waging war is the only tool you have left in your toolbox then every economic or social problem will look like it needs to be bombed out and b) the world always plays a zero sum game. What goes up must come down, and what we take from the earth, the earth will take back from us - sooner or later. My imagination though - predicts, or hopes, that all this will come in the last phase of my life, so I shall not have to suffer too much and yet I shall be able to see the beginning of it - so I can smile, and think to myself - I told you so.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 15:13:41 +0000

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