CIRCULA LETTER, sent March 10th: ANNUAL CONFERENCE and THE - TopicsExpress


CIRCULA LETTER, sent March 10th: ANNUAL CONFERENCE and THE WHOLE YEAR ARTISTIC PROGRAMS in PORTUGAL, 2014 We informed you, last year, that from this year we suggest to conect in the same State (with the same host - WAG NC) Annual Conference and the whole year cultural events. This years host of the conference, WAG NC Portugal, joyfully accepted this possibility and the focus of WAG network this year will be PORTUGAL. All committees are invited to offer art programs for this year, to be implemented in Portugal, in the period April - December. In order to maintain all proposed artistic events, WAG NC Portugal - president Mrs. Maria do Carmo reached an agreement with the Ministry of Tourism and 30 potential host cities in Portugal. We kindly remind you that all National Committees are free to offer some independent program. The deadline for applications expires in 10 days (March 21st). It is necessary and urgent (within 10 days) to send us detailed proposal for the program. Proposed program have to be sent to us (WAG HQ) and Mrs. Maria do Carmo (mithologus@gmail). BASIC GUIDELINES: * every program have to be approved by WAG NC Portugal (in coordination with the Ministry and host cities) to be implemented * program should not last longer than a maximum 8 days, but can be shorter * must be designed to include the daily activities / performances * it is desirable that programs are interdisciplinary in order to be sufficiently attractive and interesting * with detailed proposed program, with daily schedulle, have to be sent personal photos and CV`s for all artists participants in program * number of artists participants is not limited (per particular program) but final number have to be confirmed or will be suggested reducement, by the wish of the host * program can be proposed for some term in the period from April to December, this year (please propose 2-3 terms, to be easier to arrange all proposed programs) * the host (WAG NC Portugal) bears the cost of accommodation and meals during the stay, also material and needed facilities * participants themselves bear the costs of their arrival to Portugal and back * WAG Portugal in cooperation with the cities will decide what will be implemented in which city (not subject of choice of applicant) Most of the applications, received till now, referred to the period of one week before or after the conference, which is not feasible. (Please always offer the option of 2-3 terms that would suit you.) Arts programs are not integral part of the conference, whose term is reserved for the working part, mutual introduction and socializing. We expect your proposals no later than March 21st, because subsequent inclusion will not be possible. WAG HQ
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 11:25:23 +0000

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