CITIZEN DIPLOMATS DEMAND CONFEDERATION MEMBERSHIP: AR BORDON PROMISED ETS 3 PERCENT EARTH POPULATION PEACE COMMITMENT: Internet Radio with MICHAEL J. HILL enkispeaks/2014/07/22/citizen-diplomats-demand-confederation-membership-ar-bordon-promised-ets-3-percent-earth-population-peace-commitment-internet-radio-with-michael-j-hill/ On the show, Janet reads the letter (excerpted below) AR Bordon gave to Michael Hill to share with the world. Bordon read this letter aloud to the Annual Council of ETs concerned with Earth on 10 January 2011. I come to you today with a petition in hand. The petition is for Observer Membership at this LinkTable for the Linkage Institute International an initiative of the Life Physics Group California. By our initiative, people on Earth are beginning to gather in a group now named the Linkage Institute, using linkage as the process we undergo between all of us, each from different world, every year now for nearly twenty years. As a Linkage Institute, we shall uphold Life by seeking and actively pursuing membership of the Institute to be a 3-percent of the growing total of the population of Earth. We do so to achieve the indexing of the whole of humankind to a system of resonant harmonic unity that is the stage of evolvement necessary for all life forms now at the stage we find ourselves in, in accordance to the physics of life which you have taught us. We seek this indexing of the whole by its 3-percent so we may become a One-Org, which is the present centerpiece and imperative of humankind on Earth a mandate to the people of Earth who may then speak with one will and one mind before the people of the universe Unum. By this, we recognize Life as It Is. Robert, James and I as Members of the Link and as founding members of the Linkage Institute come before you to ask you to consider this petition. Humankind comes before you, knocking at your door to be let in to sit at your table. Humans are yet not a unison in voice and will. We argue here that it will, given more time, and that Life on Earth in human form shall prevail and overcome all vicissitudes and barriers to its harmonic resonance with itself and all life in the universe Unum, for it is written in all of our sacred books and already inscribed in each human heart and mind on all peoples of Earth. Mind our words here and remember them for, as prophecy, we shall fulfill it as spoken here. What is humankind who comes before you today? Let me speak on our behalf. We humankind of Earth are a biological kind, much like most of us present here now. We are not client of anyone, nor do we seek clientage from anyone present here or present in the space of the star system to which the planet we are now on belongs. We, members of the Linkage Institute of Earth, seek to come to you as observers to learn and to respectfully be heard. We yet do not carry the voice of three percent of our human biokind, but we aim to carry this voice in the future. It is our solemn pledge that we shall, one day, speak as the three percent for the plenum majority of humans not aligned to or belonging in official organizations. We are a biokind. We are Life. It matters little to us whether a God of our mentation created us, whether those who from heaven to Earth came purposefully panspermed us as new information on our planet now lets us know, or whether we are the product of an evolvement from RNA-DNA which somehow (now matters not how) reached the surface of the Earth we know, inhabit, and own. The fact of the matter is: We Are! If we claim history as to how we got here, we were once squatters in what now is ours. This is no longer a matter for debate, and a fact you must come to recognize because it is a fact you must also come to grips with. We are undeniable. You may deny us Observer Membership on this body, and you can deny us longevity and even life. Should you deny us membership now, somehow, somewhere else, somewhen, we will come up and come out again as living biokind, life forms sentient and aware and undeniably connected to each other and a creative force that course through us as it courses through each of you. We may even do so on this planet once again, as we have done so several times before. The creative force that course through us as it courses through each of you we know and call it God, indivisible and En Pluribus Unum, one in many, for we believe It contains us all as it also contains each of you, whether or not you believe it so. We now know that wisdom without longevity is illogical to our evolvement and progress as a singular biokind, and we are redressing the error made by our progenitors, those whom we know came to Earth to mine its riches and who are our ancestral roots, the founders of our biokind. We know and remember in our cells and in the marrow of our bones their act of creation. We also know and understand the circumstances engendered amongst themselves by their perceived needs. We remember that, too, and while we forgive it now, we also remember it and will not forget. And so we moved onward, to a future only we can craft for ourselves. WHAT SAY YOU ALL? In pursuit of this future, we come here before you to say to you, “Let us in, for we rightfully belong here.” Listen and read all about it at enkispeaks/2014/07/22/citizen-diplomats-demand-confederation-membership-ar-bordon-promised-ets-3-percent-earth-population-peace-commitment-internet-radio-with-michael-j-hill/
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 21:21:51 +0000

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