CITIZENS AND THEIR PIVOTAL ROLES IN BUILDING PROSPEROUS NATIONS: History of d world has shown that democratic nations are in better positions than undemocratic nations in building healthy & prosperous societies. This is bcos citizens of democratic nations have d opportunities of voting in good governments & voting out bad ones. Hence, d gains made by series of good governance cumulatively add up to make democratic nations virile. However, there are some democratic countries that are not reaping d developmental benefits that are associated with democracy. This is bcos d citizens of such nations un-informed & unsophisticated to d extent that their choice of political candidates are based on ethno-religious factors, rather than performances & laudable developmental policies. Sadly enough, a self-acclaimed giant of Africa is in this category of nations whose citizens are so unsophisticated as to be swayed by ethno-religious sentiments when it comes to d business of choosing leaders. In reality, d giant called Nigeria is only a giant on paper, even though she has d potential of being a real, life giant of not only Africa but d world in general! This can start to happen if Nigeria citizens use d opportunity of next years presidential election to vote for presidential candidates on d basis of merit, and not on d basis of ethnicity & stomach infrastructuse, to use that newly crafted but apt phrase. I implore all Muslims & Northern people to vote for President Goodluck Jonathan if APC cannot produce a candidate that is better than him. And in d same vain, I implore all Christians & d people of South-South and South-East to vote for APC if d party eventually produce a presidential candidate that is better than Goodluck Jonathan. It is d prosperity of Nigeria that matters, and not any individual or group of individuals. We must be well-informed to d extent of knowing that socio-economic infrastructure is a lot better than stomach infrastructure. We are matured enough to know what is good. Even babies know good things.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 13:57:54 +0000

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