CITIZENS GUARD 6th JULY’14 OFFICERS OF LEGISLATION ENFORCEMENT (FORMALLY KNOWN AS POLICE OFFICERS) Dear sir/madam, Please do not take offence to the above heading, it is no more than the facts, there are no proper police officers left, no police officers to safeguard our civil liberties, no police officers to protect our human rights, no police officers to arrest robbing professional bankers, no police officers to arrest members of ATOS and CAPITA for customer abuse leading to suicide, hunger, poverty and destitution, no police officers to arrest the financiers who have invented PPI’s and the like and stole billions of pounds, no police officers to arrest paedophiles in parliament and royalty and celebrity elite, no police officers at all to do the things the people of our nation WANT and need urgently. On the other hand, the job that is being done now by former police officers is nothing more than enforcement of government policies of poverty, starvation, suicides and criminalisation of any individual or group of people who protest the injustices YOU are supposed to protect us from. So now I have pointed out the failings I would like some serious and honest answers from you as to the context of “policing by consent” and what you understand this too mean? As an individual I have the powers of citizen’s arrest of any one I believe to have committed, about to commit or in the process of committing any editable offence against criminal and common law, this authority is not in question, but since I cant get to these criminals in the banks, parliament, super rich or multi national tax dodgers Boots, I as why are you not using criminal and common law to arrest these suspect and interview then as well as audit them? Under which law, political directive or higher authority do you NOT enforce the “theft act” on the bankers, “the child and young persons act” against suspected paedophile politicians and the human rights act against parliament for forcing over 11000 suicides of mental health patients? You have the authority of the people over parliament, yet choose not to police parliament, the rich and multi national super rich individuals avoiding taxes. Upon which law, political directive or higher authority do you NOT arrest employees of ATOS for complicity in the suicides of 11000 British citizens that you “police by consent?” Upon which law, political directive or higher authority do you not ARREST parliament for changing the laws on banking fraud, banking theft, false accountancy, libor rigging, PPI’s to “miss selling” if it concerns financiers and bankers, but still remain theft and fraud for every other citizen in Britain? Honest questions deserve honest answers, the people can see that policing is no longer by consent, but by political directives, this breaks your oath to be impartial, upon what oath do you now swear your loyalty and obedience? Jsa.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 13:31:37 +0000

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