CITIZENS GUARD DARWIN AND THE DESCENT OF MAN: Dilution of the species. When Darwin was preaching the “survival of the fittest”, running parallel to the utopian world of humanity, (Surpassing all other species on the planet by following the “natural laws of survival” i.e. “he who kill first lives longest”), came the theory of the “descent of man”. This theory suggested that the dilution of mankind with the UN-NATURALLY selected individuals would eventually dilute the human race back to the stone-age BECAUSE the physically and mentally incapable would spoil the perfection of the human race. Whilst I’m sure that Darwin was pointing out the obvious negative side “survival of the un-fittest”, as an explanation to balance his theory of “survival of the fittest” with an equation of what will happen if the species was tainted with permanent mental and physical disabilities, the intelligentsia of the day, especially the politically and economically motivated, took the “DESENT OF MAN” as a prediction, rather than a theory. With this mentality in mind, our political and wealthy elite established many different eugenics programs, ranging from sterilisation of the mentally and physically disabled to the advancement of genetics to the point that “the god gene” can be tampered with. Irrespective of the theology of God, the fact that the intelligentsia have funded all this genetic advancement should scare the world stupid. You don’t build a greenhouse to grow an empty space! You build a greenhouse to isolate a particular and mould it your idea of perfection. The brutality needed to accept the “survival of the fittest” is far worse than anything contemplated by the majority of individuals. It means that one must look dispassionately at the physical, mental and GENETICAL faults in other human beings and manipulate the perfect species. In this acceptance comes a three tier system of social order. The first being the wealthy, politicians, the intelligentsia and the upper echelons of society, who would mould society in their own ideology! The second would be the mass population, the “workers”. These would do the bidding of the upper echelons through legislation and public order laws. The last section of the population being the “beasts of burden” should be “humanely put down”, which as we know is a polite way of saying KILL THEM. Accepting that “beasts of burden” (the simple and cumbersome) can be utilised into productivity rather being a drain on the social economics would be acceptable only on the condition of sterilization of these individuals. Whilst one could put all of this down to humans thinking too far ahead, it is an established theory and has set a path of destruction for anyone not fitting the first two categories of worthwhile human beings who deserve to survive. And this is the crux of the matter, irrespective of the theology, the practicality means millions of mentally and physically disabled humans are experimented on, made into outcasts and anti social elements, psychologically demonised in the eyes of the “workers” as a drain on society. When Darwin theorised his equations of the direction man as the perfect species he emphasised the need to REMOVE faults in out genetic makeup. Men make monsters, Darwin made the most. The neo-Darwinians have no need for compassion; survival of the fittest (for the upper echelon) has become a social, economical and survival issue for all of them. Either the upper echelons win the fight or the whole species will be tainted. Forget politics, democracy, liberty and destiny and your concept of individual freedom, these are just a smokescreen to detour you from looking at the facts of the neo-Darwinian “decent of man” that worries our upper echelons a lot more than “survival of the fittest”. I have “untreatable PTSD”, a mental illness not of my own making. I have watched over the last 6 years as disabled people are being criminalised as lazy and A DRAIN ON SOCIETY. Darwin himself said the latter (a drain on the economics as well as the genetic perfection of the species) was so important that ignoring it was not an option. Euthanasia and sterilisation were DARWINS answer. The UK built the first ever recognized concentration camps where euthanasia was carried out through starvation. The UK built the first “establishments” to hide the genetic flaws of society away. The UK upper echelons of society are neo-Darwinians with o compassion what so ever. They will do what needs to be done, because they will never have dirty hands, the “persuaded public” will build the camps and accept the “laws” justifying the actions. Hitler’s gang tried to perfect the British concept of mass killing. Many people will look at this and think I’m mad; legally I am, madder than a box of stoned frogs, but the advantage of having PTSD is that I have no compassion what-so-ever if I need it. I understand the “survival of the fittest” and the “decent of man” on the same dispassionate level as the people in charge of us all. I can see that the upper echelons are frightened because the madmen understand the game. Understanding the game gives the madmen a chance of winning and that is not an option from the upper echelons point of view. An educated madman (from the Darwinian point of view) understanding law, psychology, social interactions and warfare is detrimental to their control of the “workers”. Why, because the masses will look at the madman rebelling and ask “what if he is right?” Before we hope for tomorrow, let’s get control of today. Our upper echelons of society have labelled the mentally ill as “a drain on society” “lazy” and “scroungers”, to what end? The final solution to Darwin’s “decent of man” is the eradication of all mental and physical defects in human beings. Our upper echelons of society have determined WHO will survive. (And I’m not in the equation) Jsa.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 11:41:13 +0000

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