CITIZENS GUARD NEWS IS THIS THE GREATEST RESOURCES SCAM IN HISTORY? Americans politicians have placed sanctions on the Russian gas company owners and other resource company owners in Russia. This has led the Russians to sign the largest gas deal in economic history with china worth $800 billion over the next 10>15 years. As well as a further deal being negotiated on other resources, china and Russia have solidified their economic future BECAUSE of sanctions by the west. The 30% of gas coming through from Ukraine into Europe will be cut if the Ukrainians don’t pay the billions of dollars owed to Russian gas companies. The Ukrainian Nazi junta that took power by force of guns are refusing to pay their massive bill to Russia. The Americans have promised Europe that they will supply any gas/resources shortfall. The price of the gas will be inflated to American economic standards and Europe will have to pay it. This promise is based on two fundamental issues, the gas being in American possession and the ships/infrastructure to transport hundreds of million barrels a day over the Atlantic Ocean in ships. For the latter part, this is a fairy tale, the gas terminals to fill and empty thousands of ships a month does not exist in Europe or America, the ships have yet to be built as there is a massive shortfall in real ships. Let’s be generous and say a good 5 years to build the stations and some ships, not to mention the vast cost of the exercise, makes this part a dream and nothing more. Both the Chinese and the Russians are going to use their own currency in trading, by cutting out the American exchange, the dollar becomes less stable. But the biggest lie still being kept from the people in Europe is where this gas is going to come from, a few years ago, America declared that they would be self sufficient in gas/oil as they had found the largest reserves know in California. At the beginning of this year, the gas/oil industry had to “revise” the previous estimate of the Californian reserves from 800 billion barrels to less than 6>800 MILLION barrels. So the fallacy of America being able to cover the gas that will be lost from Russia is a lie. Nothing more! By our politicians helping to put sanctions on Russian businessmen on behalf of America, who is supporting and funding the neo Nazi government who now control the Ukraine (just as America supported Hitler’s Nazi Germany all the way till pearl harbour) America is going to plunge Europe into another European war. Because then all of Europe will have to rely on the industrial and resources of America to survive the massive destruction of Europe. Just the same as Europe HAD too in the last two world wars, Europe will become the last American colony. America does not have the gas-oil it claimed would help Europe, it does have a hungry and greedy industry that wants the large expanses and resources of the Ukraine and are willing to see Europe in flames, again, to get it. It is no longer acceptable to let American politicians ease their own wealth creation on the backs of Europe, these SPECIAL allies have done nothing for FREE, the cost to the uk of the last two world wars was poverty from 1914 till 1950 because we were paying debts to America who thrived on selling resources to both the Germans and Britain IN BOTH WORLD WARS. Did Germany pay Britain for bombing the hell out of her, no! What did the uk get out of freeing Europe from Hitler, NOTHING, what did we get for standing up to the Kaiser, NOTHING, what will we get for standing up to Russia because of America? NOTHING BUT DEATH AND WAR AGAIN! Our country has been paying debts to America for these wars and nothing more, no benefits, spoils of war, nothing. America NEEDS another European war to save her industry and economy from melt down, and our politicians are allowing this to happen. Why can’t we control our politicians ? When the British public speak, the politicians just ignore us and send in the riot units, when American politicians or multi national business owners demand; our politicians are on their knees saying yes sir. WHO ARE WE AS A NATION IF WE GET MUGGED OFF INTO A WORLD WAR BY AMERICA FOR THE THIRD TIME IN A HUNDRED YEARS? Jsa.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 18:25:45 +0000

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