CITIZENS GUARD THE RIGHTS OF A COMPANY OVER THE CITIZEN: THE END OF CHOICE. When I first challenged the BBC over the conduct of CAPITA and the practices of the said company, the BBC ignored me for the first three years and let capita carry on with unsavoury practices of fraud, deception as well as intimidation, forged cautions and other offences that the police have said are civil matters between the BBC and myself irrespective of the conduct of CAPITA. The BBC can take you to court irrespective of right and wrong and criminalise you with fines, bailiffs and prison. This is a company riddled with paedophile suspects and has decades of child abuse still to answer for, making criminals out of people who challenge a decision. If one argues for the prosecution of the criminal banker’s, PPI scammers, libor rigging etc, politicians and police officers and judges just don’t want to know. If one has a dispute with the Power Company and dispute their billing or usage and want to with hold payment until your complaint is dealt with “to the satisfaction of both parties” and change power company, you cant. Power companies have been given the authority to force you as a consumer to stay with the company you are in dispute with until you pay the bill. So if your power company make critical and expensive (to you) mistakes, 1, only they can investigate any wrongdoings before the ombudsman or police) 2 you can not change companies during as dispute so you are paying for power from a company by force because they will not let another company do business with you. If private power and energy companies have the power to remove your free choice of who to buy your electric or gas from because you have a dispute with them and are withholding payments because of the issues where does that leave us, with a company you don’t want to do business with forcing other companies not to do business with you and you still paying for energy from a company you no longer trust or have any respect for but they are still legally in control of your choice to object. Our whole legal system is now so corrupted that companies can criminalise, persecute, defraud and ignore people. People can’t take these companies to courts; only to “ombudsman” who could take anything up to 20 years to get around to your case, up until then your right to choose is non existent. All sorts of companies now exhibit and practice controls over the individual (customers) that the rights of the individual is curtailed to the point of psychological imprisonment. And in all of this our politicians allow the lawyers to introduce these legislations that give private companies the right to choose for you. It is often said that we go blindly into dictatorships; the British people have no such excuse, we do know what is going on but the majority just don’t care until it is too late. We as a people have lost the battles against the politicians as to the meaning and context of the words freedom and morality, our “freedoms” have been removed to assist in the war on terror and the politicians “won the moral argument for further and continued austerity”, even though they have no right to argue morality with the people who employ them. Now our right to choose has been removed on whom we have custom with, if in dispute with our original company, how far will this legislation extend? If one disputes the roofer does the roofer have the right to phone every other roofer to not accept your custom until they say so? This is a very scary turn in political/business legislation that directly removes your birthright to free choice. jsa
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 18:39:49 +0000

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