CITIZENS ORGANIZED FOR LIBERTY THROUGH ACTION (COLA) PRESS RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NO DEFENSE FOR SPECIAL CONSTABLE’S KILLING BELIZE CITY, Mon. Sept. 29, 2014 – COLA joins all Belizeans in expressing its sympathies to the family of the late Special Constable Danny Conorquie, a young hero who died faithfully serving his country and defending it from an act of aggression. It is now clear that the Guatemalans have an unofficial policy of sending their people over here to claim our country and its resources in a way they cannot and will never do legally. And Belize’s security and diplomatic officials, particularly Minister of Foreign Affairs Wilfred Elrington, seem to bend over backward to accommodate them. To urge caution when the circumstances of the case seem to suggest invading Guatemalan poachers were responsible for this murder is to belittle SC Conorquie’s sacrifice and insult all the brave men and women in both the Police Department and Belize Defence Force who put their lives on the line on a daily basis to guarantee our country’s security and national sovereignty. We call on the Minister of foreign affairs to apologize to Conorquie’s family and to all Belizeans for his misguided and ill-timed statements in the press this week. His colleague Minister of National Security John Saldivar should come out of hiding as well. Prime Minister Dean Barrow appeared almost cavalier in their announcements of reinforcements for the border at Chiquibul. But the problem is not only there; it is at Jalacte, at Dolores and Otoxha, in Orange Walk as well. Occurring as it did at a heavily trafficked Mayan site which is one of the crown jewels of Belize’s network of Mayan settlements, Conorquie’s death highlights the lack of planning to safeguard these sites and the absolute lack of attention paid to the borderline. There are no border outposts, no management plan, no resources, nothing! We have no plan, no defense, and no way to stop Guatemalan aggression, and the politicians do not seem to care. This latest tragedy points out the need for our government to consider insuring our arm forces, and to implement a well define foreign and national security policy. We at COLA note that no amount of monetary compensation can suffice for the lost of Special Constable Danny Conorquie life; however if we can compensate a Guatemalan subverted then the same can be done for a Belizean Patriot. COLA will join the Belize People’s Front at a press conference and a demonstration scheduled for Tuesday, September 30 at the western border. We hope to see you there. Long live Belize!/// Geovannie Brackett President of COLA (out of the country) Gillroy UsherJr. Vice President (610-0759) For interviews
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 23:50:29 +0000

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