CITY COUNCIL MEETING, September 16: Preliminary Highlights This - TopicsExpress


CITY COUNCIL MEETING, September 16: Preliminary Highlights This was a very long meeting - nearly 3 hours – so, pending more detailed notes, some bottom lines: The Good: forging ahead • The Council continues to press for answers and options for ways ahead • A new City clerk was confirmed, apparently within Council specs for pay and work schedule • The Council’s ‘Action Items’ list helps keep issues from slipping through the cracks The Bad: continued mayoral stonewalling • No coherent report on road fund diversions, despite a solemn promise at the last meeting • No apparent circulation of material reported to the state Auditor on repeated public questions • No response to inconsistent and conflicting records on the City pension plan The Ugly: please vote for the weirdest • The mayor abruptly reopening the Council’s decision that a new auditor should be sought for next year • The ‘definitive’ opinion against a change of auditor being given by the City-contracted accountant (i.e., the subject of the audit) • The mayor requiring a ‘closed session,’ in a month, to provide public information requested by the council on pending litigation • The ‘definitive’ financial opinion on issuing bonds for road work being given by the City-contracted lawyer • The accountant and the lawyer both evading a question about potential overspending, by stating that the Council should just amend the budget • The mayor asserting that he must ‘protect the rights’ of a removed Council member, by delaying and shaping his public hearing • The mayor allowing the subject member to vote on his own removal
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 12:46:46 +0000

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