CITY OF TROY: HEBREW ISRAELITE STRONG HOLD FROM GREECE TO SCOTLAND AND IRELAND TRIBE OF DAN PT 1 The Tribe of Dan settled in the extreme southern part of Greece, and were later known as the Lacedemon (or Spartan) Greeks. They were also known as Dorians or people from “Dor. The following is extracted from Raymond F McNair’s booklet King David’s Everlasting Dynasty: “Smith’s Dictionary of the Bible says that Flavius Josephus equates Darda with the Greek Dardanos: “DARDA...Joseph[us] DARDANOS; Darda” (vol. 1, p. 397). “Dardanus...mythical founder of Dardanus on the Hellespont [i.e. the Dardanelles] and ancestor of the DARDANS of the Troad [area ruled by the Trojans]...became the founder of the royal house of TROY” (Ency. Brit., 11th ed., Vol. V11, p. 829). The “Hebrews” built “ancient Troy”! According to Scottish historian John MacLaren, certain Israelites had settled in Asia Minor in ancient times. [Note At that time Western Asia Minor was then inhabited primarily by Greek colonists, but some of those “Greeks” were in fact Israelites who lived among the Greeks]. “The HEBREWS then built an altar to the Lord thanking Him for their deliverance from the Egyptians. The king of Greece visited their camps with his Hebrew servant, telling them to build a city and fortify themselves against their enemies...[they then] commenced to build the city of TROY” (The History of Ancient Caledonia, 1879 ed., p. 4). Furthermore, Josephus and the first book of Maccabees both mention that some Israelites had lived in Southern Greece many years before Christ. He quotes the Spartan King Areus as saying, “We have discovered that both the Jews and the Lacedemonians [of S. Greece] are of one stock, and are derived from the kindred of Abraham” (bk. 12, chap. 4, sec. 10, pp. 296-297). A book entitled Hellosemitica says, “And already Hecataeus of Abdera [c. 4th century B.C.] represented both the Jewish Exodus and the Greek migration of Danaos and Cadmus as episodes of one and the same event.... Thence the assertion...that the SPARTANS (whose kings...claimed descent from Danaos) are brothers of the JEWS and descend from Abraham’s kindred” (Hellosemitica, 1965, p. 98).” (McNair 2006:16-17) Did these bands of Israelite refugees stay in Greece and Asia Minor, or did they migrate further to distant lands across the sea? Lets see what happened to DANAUS. According to Euripides and the Greek geographer and historian STRABO (63?B.C.-24?A.D.): DANAUS having arrived in ARGOS made a law that those who had borne the name of PELASGIOTAE throughout GREECE should be called DANAI (Strabo V. ii. 4). Author Latham, in his Ethnology of Europe, says, that the eponymus [national origin] of the ARGIVE DANAI was no other than that of the ISRAELITE TRIBE OF DAN, only we are so used to confine ourselves to the soil of Palestine in our consideration of the Israelites, that we treat them as if they were adscripti glebae, and ignore the share they may have taken in the ordinary history of the world...(p. 157). Note WHERE the Danai went from Greece -- ...the name DAN was an important one in ancient GREECE. The leader of one of the first groups to settle there was DANus and the northern part of Greece is still called MaceDONia. Further, ancient IRELAND was partly settled by a people called DANans who came from GREECE; and it is interesting, too, that SCOTLAND was anciently called CaleDONia. That there was a connection between CaleDONia and Greece is evidenced by the fact that the people of one of the three tribes of ancient Greece were called DORICS; that the Doric dialect was harsh and that the people in some parts of Scotland still speak a dialect referred to as BROAD is undeniably true that many of the ancient Greeks LEFT THAT COUNTRY TO SETTLE IN SCANDINAVIA AND THE BRITISH ISLES...(Symbols of Our Celto-Saxon Heritage, pp. 184-186). The Name Ireland means land Of Ur the original name for Ireland was Hibernia( drop the H N you have Iberia/Ibri/Hebrew) The Native people were called Danu Danannites or Tuatha Dé Danann, which translates to people(s)/tribe(s) of the Danu Danu was later associated with a goddess worship.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 01:56:33 +0000

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