CIVIL LIBERTIES ORGANIZATION PRESSS RELEASE DISCLAIMER: The General Public is hereby informed that the NEWS report from Daily Daily Times Newspaper purporting that the Civil Liberties Organization (CLO) had endorsed the impeachment of Mr Sunday Onyebuchi as Deputy Governor of Enugu State is false, misleading and malicious. We hereby make is clear that the CLO had never at any time made a public statement regarding the said impeachment. It is quite disappointing and embarasing that a renown and respectable news media like the Daily Times could embark on such unprofessional reporting such as as this. We observe that the report had no signatories. The general public and especially the media is hereby advised that all public statements from the CLO, Enugu state on any issues patterning to Enugu state, must be signed by the state Chairman, Secretary or the Secretary of Publicity. We hereby advise the Daily Times Newspaper to pull down the report immediately and issue a written apology to the CLO within the next 48 hours. The public is advised to ignore this malicious report hence. The CLO is still understudying points raised around the impeachment and would react appropriately. Thanks you. Comrade Zulu Ofoleue, Chairman Civil Liberties Organisation, Enugu State. It is important to remind ourselves that impeachment is more than a legal issue that will be justified merely on ground of procedure. An impeachment exercise is more of a political exercise and issue than legal issue. The decisions of the Supreme Court relied on by some persons in Enugu in the name of CLO clearly demonstrate this position, if read. So, it is perfidy for anyone or group to justify an impeachment on the ground that the legislature ollowed the procedure simplicter? What of the allegations? Are they substantial enough to call for impeachment? Will the impeachment set a dangerous precedent that threatens our democracy? Has the legislature acted in bad faith? Can one say that the legislature was induced to exercise its power? These are not issues for the Court because they are political. So, persons and groups that are not partisan that intend to comment on an impeachment should take a balance view of the exercise. impeachment is a serious political punishment. To support it for mere asking is disservice. I ask: Will one support a sentence where the facts are weak and the presiding judge seemed induced simply because the the person sentenced was heard in his or her defence. I think it is important to look at the facts first, and then the law for fair comment. I will not proceed further while we await the report of the Enugu State Branch. I will use this opprtunity to call on our members to always defend the truth and justice. Where releases are made by persons not authorised or known to the organization, immediate restrictions and disclaimers are needed in the interest and image of the organization. Happy weekend.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 12:23:34 +0000

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