CLARIFICATION ABOUT THE BELOW THE BELT ATTACK I EXPERIENCE IN SECTION 1 This pertains to the earlier posting of mine that I titled I was attacked below the belt in Section 1. Well I was there over the weekend and we had a good conversation with brothers and sisters from APO SCAA. I realized that what I wrote greatly affected them, and that there were so many queries from their friends, local and abroad about what had happened. In the interest of fairness, especially to the affected chapters and AA in Surigao City, let me straighten the record that the attack was not coming from anyone from Surigao City. I was clearly a target of a smear campaign during that time that our political foes were there because they brought with them two people who are based in Gensan. They were the ones who made issues against me not just in Surigao but starting in Butuan City, some of which were very personal and should not have been part of a campaign. our brothers and sisters in APO SCAA were there to listen to their campaign because they are visitors, and not part of the group who made those attack against my person. The way I wrote it and caption the said posting had greatly affected our brothers and sisters there, hence I already apologized before I went there last weekend. That is why I am writing this piece to clarify that in all the times I was there, they treated me with respect and high regard. It was very unfair to them to have been dragged into this mess, hence I am asking for their understanding and forgiveness. I was just very emotional when i wrote that piece because i was not expecting it coming from people that I consider as brothers and friends, one of whom I have been helping financially and all. Thank you very much my dear brothers and sisters from APO SCAA, I hope this piece will now give you peace of mind as well as silence the queries from your friends and relatives who have seen that article.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 14:00:59 +0000

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