CLARIFICATION My Dear Friends; I want to make some - TopicsExpress


CLARIFICATION My Dear Friends; I want to make some clarifications. I am a professional trainer and interact with all type of audience belonging to different political groups religions and ideologies.I love and respect them all equally .This is my maximum efforts to remain neutral and impartial on these subjects but at times some of my humorous comments about the current political situation appear to label me as a pro or against somebody . I just want to make it very clear that I am NOT a supporter or opponent of any political party-- BUT as a common citizen of Pakistan I have the right to express my views or concerns .I also respect those who disagree with me . I was born in Pakistan and have been watching the series of ups and downs in the country. The first stab in the back of democracy was pierced by Mr. Ghulam Mohammad ,who with the support of bureaucracy, declared himself as the Governor General of Pakistan and sent the elected Prime Minister home [Khwaja Nazimuddin ]. After that there was a series of coups and martial laws in the name of saving Pakistan and bringing “Change ” which resulted into further destruction and decline of the country in every walk of life . No democratic government could complete its full tenure ever. It was for the very first time in the history of Pakistan that the last government of Peoples Party completed five years and then transferred power to the newly elected government smoothly. Please remember that the process of democracy is just a 6 years old child in our country. We cannot compare our democracy with the western democracies which took around 200 years to get matured .Let’s try to prune ,trim and water this tiny plant of democracy ,rather than digging it out from its roots. I agree there has been a lot of corruption, looting, mismanagement, bad governance, rigging, and the display of immature behavior by all the political parties. I am NOT a supporter of Mian Nawaz Shareef ,rather I agree with ALL the demands of Imran Khan except the resignation of the Prime Minister[ or dismantling the whole system.] Let’s suppose Mian Nawaz Shareef resigns ,then who will be the next prime minister ? , Obviously somebody else from Muslim League N as they have the majority in the parliament. Let’s assume the whole government is dissolved then who will have the authority to form a new interim government? .And where will you find those “angels “to do the required reforms?. How long will it take to get the whole job done? What I see is a total chaos if any action is taken to fell the government. Above all if we start making any elected Prime Minster resign by mere street power then no prime minister in the future would be able to survive for 6 months , as all other political parties are also capable of gathering a big crowd against the government . The best way for IK is to rally support from the parliament and pressurize the government for all the political reforms and make the whole system as clean and transparent a possible. Also a demand for early elections may be placed on the table. Meanwhile IK should focus his energies on KPK and make it as a ROLE MODEL PROVINCE. Besides he can also do community work in other provinces .Such actions will certainly increase his chances to form the next government. BUT any short cut will create short circuiting and lead to further chaos and uncertainty. .Please note that these are my sincere and honest views and NOT an invitation of any debate. BLESSINGS-- Long Live Pakistan ---AMEEN
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 18:56:01 +0000

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