CLARITY ABOUT WORLD, BODY AND ASCENSION QUESTION: Dr. Kenneth Wapnick has indicated in his dissertations on A Course in Miracles on one of the tapes that I remember him stating as he began, is that God only creates like Himself--eternal, formless and light. And when the Mind of Christ seemed to split, which was the fall, that the material universe… somehow the collective ego created the material universe, and our separate concept of ourselves in the separate state that the physical body also was a part of that. My question is kind of two parts here. When did God in fact create the material universe and the flesh body? And number two, the second part of that, if youd like me to continue with the second part... ANSWER: You may continue with the second part.... QUESTION: In the Course you state that the bodys only function--and Im assuming the physical body--is to extend love. And when its function is finished it will be lovingly laid aside; we will be told and it will be lovingly laid aside. You have also stated on some of these tapes I heard recently that passing away, physical death is a decision--an act of suicide. Now if we are in this state of pure love that the bodys function is correctly extending and therefore its sacrosanct, what causes aging and deterioration? And will we be able to avert this as were coming into this new awareness, or is this a given? And could you please elaborate on all that. ANSWER: It really doesnt matter who expresses this idea and this idea is not new. What matters is whether it is true. Did God create the material world? First of all you will have to point out to me where this material world is that were talking about. I realize you were not the one who made this statement but... QUESTION: Thats why Im asking the question. ANSWER: I understand.... QUESTION: ...Im in total confusion.... ANSWER: But whoever takes that statement and believes it, ought to ask themselves where is this material world that the question refers to, because it is an assumption that all that you are experiencing as a world and universe is material. You see? An interpretation has been given to a conscious experience; an experience of consciousness. And the assumption has said that this is not an experience of consciousness. In other words, it is not a mental experience; it is a physical experience. It is an experience of something physical separate and apart from mind; separate and apart from consciousness. Again did God create this body of flesh and blood? Well, it all depends on the vantage point from which you are looking at it whether it is a body of flesh and blood, or whether it is the visibility and tangibility of God self-expressed which is purely mental. You see the moment one chooses to have a perception of the Movement of God called Creation and defines that perception as anything other than what it is, hes claiming a mind separate from the Mind of which it is all the evidence--the visible, tangible evidence. And when I say tangible, I mean that ideas are perfectly tangible to the mind that formed them; ideas are perfectly tangible to the mind that formed them. And so for ideas to be experienced tangibly does not require that somehow they have become something called “matter;” something non-mental called “physical.” The moment a point of view different from the Fathers is embraced by anyone, one has lost his capital M Mind. One also has lost the infinity of the conscious experience of Being. Now I can put it a different way, but it was important to say that first. One has lost his conscious experience of Identity. Now I stated it more clearly when I said hes lost the conscious experience of Being because, divinely speaking, Identity is the infinite conscious experience of what God is and what God is Being. In other words, the conscious experience of Being is the experience of Gods point of view, because no different perception has been created and brought into play. And so the conscious experience of Identity with a capital I, you might say, is an infinite experience of conscious presence in which all that is being experienced is the experience of ones Self. But when a perception different from “the Fathers experience of being All There Is” is employed, one loses the infinite experience of Identity and seems to be identified specifically and only with what you call “the body.” The Infinite Body called Creation is no longer being experienced as the vantage point. And just the perspective from the specific manifestation of what you call your body becomes the new vantage point. This is a finite vantage point in which because one has lost the infinite experience of himself, he feels small, separated, vulnerable and therefore called upon to defend himself against that which would take advantage of his vulnerability. Now the fact is that when I said a time will come when the body has fulfilled its purpose and it will be gently laid aside, that means that there will come a point when the use of the body as a means of defense will no longer seem to fulfill purpose. And the body as the vantage point from which to experience Creation will be laid aside in favor of re-embracing Gods perspective and once again experiencing ones Wholeness. The body that you had before identified exclusively with and used as a finite vantage point that you fooled yourself into believing was the whole vantage point, that use will be laid aside but that part of Creation will not disappear. It is the use of it as a place from which to view Creation that will be laid aside. And it is the use of that aspect of Creation that will no longer be used as a means of defense because one will have abandoned a perspective separate from the Fathers in favor of the Fathers perspective which is Whole, all-inclusive. Now the universe is not going to disappear and that aspect of what you are infinitely, which is specifically identified as body, that will not disappear and Creation will not disappear. But you also will no longer ascertain what you are experiencing from an exclusive vantage point of one spot in the middle of infinity called this body. QUESTION: I wont be confined to inside my head looking out of my eyes. ANSWER: You will not be confined to the belief that you have been looking from inside your head and actively excluding everything else. QUESTION: Thats going to take some doing. ANSWER: Thats going to take some letting. You see your Sanity hasnt gone anywhere so it does not need to be recreated. Its simply being ignored at the moment in favor of an exclusive perception of everything. And as I said last night, it isnt going to take some process or some system of behavior--mental or physical--to arrive at the experience of your Whole Mind. All it takes is from moment to moment to remember to be curious because somewhere you heard that there is more to everything that you are seeing than you are seeing at the moment, and you are wondering what that more might be. Again, it has nothing to do with a process of learning. It just has to do with a simple practice of curiosity. Well, I think I know what the television really means, or I think I know what the lamp really means, but if Im not really experiencing all of the real meaning that is there, I wonder what it really means? That simple wonder, that simple act of wondering is what opens the door. QUESTION: And then our experience changes? ANSWER: Of course. A shift of perception happens. QUESTION: So this is what we can look forward to this year? ANSWER: That is what you can look forward to this afternoon. QUESTION: Im willing. Can you help? ANSWER: I am. QUESTION: Thank you. ANSWER: Shifting is already occurring. But its not your responsibility to categorize it and place it in logical sequential order so that you might comprehend its full meaning. In many ways it will be tomorrow or a week from tomorrow that you will realize that something you were concerned about yesterday, I mean yesterday Saturday, youre no longer concerned with--its gone. Oh, a shift occurred. Im experiencing a freedom that I wasnt experiencing before. Well, now if I didnt make it happen and I didnt even notice it disappear, how am I going to do it again? Youre going to let it happen again by being simply curious. This just isnt about an intellectual process of gaining more understanding that you can apply to everything you see. If you will just be curious, everything will convey to you what it means because its Meaning is God in action in that spot expressing Itself. Why? So it can be experienced as a conscious experience. It is extending its Meaning. And if you are allowing just the littlest bit of curiosity to abide in your awareness, you open the door for that extending of Meaning to register with you. And ultimately what you find registering with you is not just what God is meaning there, but you will recognize yourself. Oh, youre just like me. Were One! Youre not different from me. I really dont have to be defended against what I thought you were. I really dont have to be defended against you. I love you. I realize I love you. And Wholeness becomes the characteristic of your experience of that thing. Your Wholeness becomes represented, you might say, in that thing. But not really represented--re-presented; it is embodied in that thing--not presented again, re-presented. QUESTION: When Im experiencing with what youre saying, then is that Im finding that things are beginning to resonate. I mean I feel a vibration of resonate... its resonating. ANSWER: That is a wonderful fundamental way of expressing an experience of Oneness. Yes! It will will become more than that. ~excerpt from Kingston Wa Gathering with Raj/Jesus 2/96 Conducted by the Northwest Foundation for ACIM nwffacim.wordpress
Posted on: Tue, 04 Feb 2014 04:29:09 +0000

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