CLARK JOLLEY RELEASES STATEMENT ON VETERANS ADMINISTRATION SCANDAL; CALLS ON VA SECRETARY SHINSEKI TO RESIGN After hearing the Presidents statement about the Veterans Affairs scandal yesterday, Sen. Clark Jolley made the following statement: As you know, last week was Armed Services week, and on Monday we will observe Memorial Day, the day recognizing the ultimate sacrifice made by Americas bravest service men and women. As Ive said many times, we can never thank our military enough for all that they have done to protect our freedom. That is what makes this Veterans Administration hospital scandal unconscionable, plain and simple. I am horrified that some of Americas bravest were allowed to languish and die while awaiting care, and that the Department of Veterans Affairs seemed to be aware that this was happening. Of all the scandals that have occurred during this Administration, this is perhaps the worst. The VA hospital scandal mixes bureaucratic incompetence, lack of accountability and indifference with a complete disregard for the sacred oath we made to service members. Remember, just as our armed forces made an oath of enlistment when they entered the service, we promised them that we would, as President Lincoln said, ...strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the Nations wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and orphan. He saw wounded veterans the most visible outward sign of a nation ravaged by war and knew his dream of a strong, united country wouldnt happen unless those veterans were cared for. I fear that the Department of Veterans Affairs has gone perilously off track in their mandate to care for our veterans. I call on VA Secretary Shinseki to resign from office and it is my hope that House Government Reform and Oversight will initiate an investigation. Those of us who care deeply about veterans must take every opportunity to demand accountability and ultimately, that those responsible are punished for their callous indifference towards those who have fought for our great nation.
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 14:25:38 +0000

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