CLBC4JESUS@aol Prayer Requests Please Pray that the Lords - TopicsExpress


CLBC4JESUS@aol Prayer Requests Please Pray that the Lords will be done in all these cases as HE knows best. Pray each of us will turn to HIM as we pray and that those that are hurting and in dire straits will seek the LORD as HE loves them so much and is solving their problem even as we pray and they pray. Thanks and God Bless, Sherri One hip is bone rubbing bone and the pain is tremendous. Skip & Susan Strength and help with breathing and back pains, etc; Johnnie Thomas recovery from stabbing wound Cathy Tourangeau and Husband Jim Driscoll recovery with prostate surgery Shirley with Muscular Distrophy Cathy with Diverticulitis, treatment and learning to live with, Randy with Diverticulitis , treatment and learning to live with Margaret, pain in hip and legs Ronda, Knees All the children/grandchildren, and teens we/you know, that they be allowed to grow up as children and teens with someone to lead them to a Christ only Loving, teaching Church and Sunday Schools so they can have a blessed life and an learning avenue to ignore the peer pressure the kids are under today. May they discover how much the LORD JESUS CHRIST loves them and will answer them when they call upon HIM. God Bless you, as you pray for these and many more as the Lord leads you too. Bud Judy Wolvaardt CANCER I just FOUND OUT that MY COUSIN Jay Lee Dillard has NONHODGKINS LYMPHOMA. HE IS TAKING CHEMO TOO. SO PLEASE SEND THIS TO EVERYBODY YOU KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!! HIS email is jbelly69@aol. Ann Grubbs urgent prayers needed I am forwarding letter from my friend.theyre also doing heart cath tomorrow. and another friend Bettey Jo had an accident and broke her foot off her leg.theyre trying to reattach it now thanks.pat Hi Pat, It has been an extremely long day. I am asking you to put Don on your prayer list. Everyone in the hospital is talking about him needing a pacemaker. I will know more tomorrow. His heart beat was everywhere between 39 and 60. He had a blood presser of over 400 for the top number when he got to the hospital. He said he broke the blood presser machine with the top number past the highest number. They brought it down to 129 over 51, thats not good either. His color has come back to normal. He looked all washed out when he got to the hospital. They ruled out a blood clot in his lungs and pneumonia. How are you and Jerry doing? Better than this I hope. Love you. Talk to you soon. Terry Ky. Prayer Partner--Bill Gabbard Prayer Request--Jan Graff--from Sonjia D. Sonjia Deaton posted in NSB Church Family, 10:03am May 5 Please remember in prayer Debbie Moores & Doyle Joness aunt Jan Graff in hospital with mini strokes. Pray, and let God worry. -Martin Luther Love in Christ & God Bless You Bill & Donna Gabbard of East Bernstadt, Ky. Web Page: Jaynnefma F Prayer Request having chest pains Having chest pains, for a couple of hours, thought it was gas but not getting better so much. PLEASE PRAY for total healing for me and that it goes away quickly and stays away, pray its not a heart attack. God is able and faithful. God bless. Love, Jaynne Susan Dawson please pray Please pray for Cassandra. She is 28 and is starting Radioactive Iodine for Thyroid cancer. They removed the thyroid but they do not know if it spread or not. She had a lump for a while before seeing a doctor about it because she thought it was swollen glands. Please pray for her, her mom Dottie, and other family members for comfort and peace during this time. Dottie has been unable to sleep. Linda I have a request which our Lord knows. Please say a pray for me. Ty Linda Prayers for a friend who was in a mc crash. Also prayers for the abused lost and suffering animals. Finances need a blessing. Ty scottirn@aol Prayer request Pray for Tony and Susies marriage to be saved, healed, restored and strengthened. Barbona@aol Please Pray for Safe Travel Home. From Marian, mare1549@aol James, Christine and the girls will be flying home tomorrow, please pray for safe travel mercies. Thank you and God bless!! Marian HVNSPRYRS@aol TEE .. prayer as requested BMJM412@aol Prayer Request [email protected] Would you please ask the prayer warriors to say a prayer for Tee (Tee3260). She has been sick for a while and being treated with meds, but it got worse and she is now in the hospital with pneumonia. I will keep you posted when I hear from Norm again. Thank you Jeannie BYovino@aol PRAYER REQUEST Please pray for Madeline, for healing of aggressive thyroid cancer. A miracle is needed! Thank you, and God bless you as you pray. LINDA123216@aol Prayer Request HunnyNC@aol Continue to pray for Allen.Hes having a lot of stomach problems.Hes losing a lot of weight due to not being able to keep anything on his stomach.His doctor has put him through a series of test and running test on a couple spots to see if its cancer.Pray for total healing. God is able and faithful. God Bless,...Linda Prayerneed Ministry DEAR PRAYER PARTNERS: 1) Please pray the Lord will work through men and women with feet of clay this morning as the Word of Life is shared with those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. May THE LOST be saved, THE SAVED SANCTIFIED and the LORD GLORIFIED by the worship of His People as we the Church serve as His change agents in the world. 2) Remember PASTOR JIM LEHMAN, PASTOR KYLE MARKS, PASTOR JIM WATSON, PASTOR TOMMY TENNISON AND OTHER MINISTERS of the Gospel as the precious Word of God goes out from pulpits this morning proclaiming God’s glorious truth. 3) Remember THE FAITHFUL TEACHERS who each week prepares lessons to share with brothers and sisters in Christ so they might grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior. God Bless, Brother Bruce [email protected] PRAYER REQUESTS Prayers for the 9 members of a Ringling Brothers & Barnum Bailey Circus who fell up to 28 feet from their act and were sent to the hospital with broken bones. newday.blogs.cnn/2014/05/05/9-performers-injured-in-circus-accident/ JIMMY was found unconscious on Thur. and is now in ICU in a coma. From P/W GERI: [email protected]> Janet had surgery for Cancer on top of her blonde head (a skin cancer); Wallace has lymphoma and not doing well, Harold spent 46 days in the hospital, a cancer, I believe, not certain; Merlin is quite stooped and crippled; Alden had stroke some time ago and has limitations due to it. Sam and Hector have Alzheimer’s. Paul is on dialysis each week. Sharon continues to have skin cancer issues and more. Dorothy in hospice . All these need your loving prayers, for which they and their families are most grateful. Please keep their family/caregivers in prayer, also. Mary Ann and Brian need travel mercies for time going to the country of her grandparents. God’s blessings and Love, Geri From P/W Maxine: [email protected]> Please say a prayer for Gary S. He is going in for a Colonoscopy and an Endoscopy tomorrow morning at 9:00 am. To check for Cancer...God is bigger than cancer! Thank you for your prayers and God bless all prayer warriors! From P/W MARY AN: [email protected]> MY SON SEAN IS GETTING MARRIED TOMORROW I PRAY IT IS A GOOD MARRIAGE AND THAT HIS PROBLEMS LESSEN AND HE FINDS HIS WAY TO GOD. PLEASE PRAY WITH ME AND ALSO THAT KAYLA GOES INTO A CHRISTIAN REHAB THAT HAS BEEN FOUND FOR HER. SHE NEEDS THIS SO BADLY. SO PLEASE CONTINUE PRAYING FOR MY SISTERS AND THEIR FAMILIES, FRANCES, ROSALIE, KAY AND GLORIA AND MY DAUGHTERS JILL AND KAREN AND FAMILY AND FOR LITTLE EMMA GRACE, ALSO FOR MY SISTERS IN CHRIST, GERI, MARY AND MARY, CLONEY, ELINOR, MARCIE, SAMANTHA, NICOLE, DOROTHEA AND HER TWO DAUGHTERS, ALSO DAVID, LONNIE, AND TOMMY. ALSO FOR FINANCIAL BLESSINGS THE LORD KNOWS WHO FOR. MARY ANN From P/W MIRIAM: jerico2468@gmail> Urgent finances. Open door. Protection (specially At the house). Provision. Miriam DONZWYF@aol Asking for prayers for Terry Dear Prayer Intercessors, I dont know how to do fancy graphics and hopefully you are getting this BBC and if not, I am asking you not to divulge addresses but in all sincerity, I am asking you to pray for Terry as she has shingles. Yes, she got to the doctor within 72 hours and got her meds but half way through, she is now experiencing much pain and pressure. Please hold Terry in your prayers at this time and drop her a line with prayers as while she is not complaining, I know she is in great pain. A faithful servant in prayer, Joy
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 22:50:05 +0000

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