CLEARED OLD WARRANTS, ALL CASES DISMISSED. Client lost his daughter in a tragic accident in the late 1990s. He soon went into a bad depression, lost his job, and allowed his drivers license to lapse. He continued driving however, and was arrested over the next few years on multiple occasions. In 2003, on his trial date, his public defender told him he would be going to jail for 6 months. He panicked and walked out of the courthouse and never looked back. He was terrified he would lose the job he had just received and couldnt afford a private lawyer yet. Soon after, he met his future wife and they married. They bought a home. He continued working 2 jobs full time (walking distance from his home) to support their growing family. But in the back of his mind, client was terrified of his past. This year, his new wife hired me because she knew what an emotional toll these old cases were taking on him. After meeting with the client I was able to ease his fears and assure him that we could resolve these cases in a favorable manner that would allow him to get back to the wonderful new life he created. I am happy to say as of yesterday, everything was resolved and client is ecstatic. Clients cases have all been dismissed, and he again has a valid drivers license.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 10:42:43 +0000

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