CLEARING As we approach the beginning of 2015, most of us are - TopicsExpress


CLEARING As we approach the beginning of 2015, most of us are starting to re-evaluate our present and future goals. The clearer and more aligned with our higher selves we are, the more easily the creative energy of the universe can move through to help us manifest our hearts desires. But the creative power has to filter through our beliefs, attitudes, emotions and habits. Clearing has to take place on all levels- physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. There are many methods of clearing and I recommend that you follow your intuitive feelings about what kind you may need at any given time. The most important principle in most forms of clearing is to recognize and be willing to acknowledge and experience any repressed negativity in your body, emotions, mind and spirit in order to fully release it. The harder you try to ignore it, the more it tends to come up in your life. Do you feel that patterns keep repeating? Perhaps now is the time to clear up. The clearing process happens through simply shinning the light of awareness into the dark places inside of us and being willing to experience what is there. Through experiencing it , the blocked energy is released forever, and you are free to replace it with positive beliefs and attitudes. There is a simple clearing process from Shakti Gawain that I love and I hope it will be helpful for you too. 1- State your goal in the form of an affirmation. 2- Write, The reasons why I cant have what I want are: and then start listing every thought that comes into your head. 3- Once you have written out all the reasons you can possibly think of, sit for a while and look at your list. Decide which of the negative statements have the most power over you. Then write an affirmation to counteract each one. 4- Focus on the affirmations that feel most powerful to you, and meditate on them every day for a while, along with your original goal/affirmation. Feel whatever if there to feel and let go. Blessings, Lourdes. Celestial Soul Healing https://facebook/celestialsoulhealing
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 19:36:47 +0000

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