“CLIMATE CHANGE” LIES AND MISINFORMATION 1. Misinformation Misinformation = lies. Last night I was watching a scientist who was a “climate academic” on Ten Late News who claimed that “climate change” was the cause of our recent NSW bushfires. Firstly, he kept stating that the weather is hotter and that this is due to “climate change”. But a few weeks ago the IPCC released a report stating that they were completely wrong in their assessment of doom that the earth was warming. The fact is that over recent decades, the earth has not warmed at all and the IPCC were completely wrong about this. This man is therefore spreading misinformation and fear which equals lies. 2. Fallacious Arguments Fallacious arguments that do not comply with the laws of logic. If there is one area of thought and knowledge that scientists are very poor at it is logic. Here, this man kept stating that the weather is hotter. He automatically attributed this to climate change. However, the report above stated that the earth is not warming. Therefore it is illogical and a fallacious argument to attribute hot weather or hotter weather to “climate change”. Hotter weather is not due to “climate change”, it is due to hotter weather which is caused by the weather. Furthermore, this man said that the science is settled when it is not settled at all. There is absolutely no clear evidence that carbon emissions warm the earth since carbon is a natural gas that is a natural part of our ecology which actually greens the earth. Therefore, the real state of affairs is that carbon emissions do not warm the earth and that, logically, hotter weather is not caused by “climate change”. Rather, hotter weather is caused by the weather since the earth or the “climate” has NOT warmed at all. The history of the earth for the past 5 billion years has showed that the earth’s temperature varies significantly in its journey through time. There are many varied factors that cause the earth’s temperature to wildly fluctuate and “climate change” is not one of those factors. The same will apply for the next 6 billion years until such time as the sun burns itself out or we are hit by an asteroid. The facts are that: 1. the earth has not warmed at all, and 2. even if it did, carbon emissions are irrelevant. 3. There is no “climate change” occurring. 3. Faulty Thinking Due to Catastrophising What this “climate academic” (whose name escapes me at the moment) and everyone else who believes in the false dogma of “climate change” are doing is what is called “catastrophising”. The IPCC and Al Gore also suffer from this psychological defect in thought processes. Catastrophising is a form of black and white thinking, which usually forms part of a depressive illness, whereby a person concentrates only on the worst-case scenario in their thought processes that does not take into account all the grey area in between. It is of course the grey area in between that constitutes most of the stuff of life. Catastrophisers are sick and are only capable of thinking in diametrically opposed opposites or extremes. This faulty thinking can only be remedied by Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT. Catastrophic thought processes are all part of “The Rise of the Negative” since the 1960’s which incorporates those poor souls who can only see the worst in life. That of course includes the “climate change” merchants of doom. There is no such thing as “climate change”, the earth has not warmed, and if and when it does, it has absolutely nothing to do with carbon emissions. Bushfires are not caused by “climate change” since “climate change” does not exist. Bushfires are caused by hot, dry weather which has always been part of the Australian experience. The weather varies. It always has and it always will vary. And it will vary to extremes. If you think otherwise, then you are a part of “The Rise of the Negative”, you are catastrophising, and you need to heal your thought processes. Do not trust scientists, especially climate scientists.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 07:22:37 +0000

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