CLUB RELEASE STATEMENT: St Helens Town inspired by Fabrice - TopicsExpress


CLUB RELEASE STATEMENT: St Helens Town inspired by Fabrice Muamba to partner up with lifesaving Hearts & Goals campaign 11th June 2013, St Helens: St Helens Town AFC have been inspired by the experiences of Fabrice Muamba into partnering with Hearts & Goals, a high-profile lifesaving campaign by Arrhythmia Alliance, for which the former footballer is an ambassador. ... The club today announced it has forged the partnership with Arrhythmia Alliance, which runs Hearts & Goals; a national campaign to tackle the UK’s biggest killer, sudden cardiac arrest, by helping communities place lifesaving AEDs (automated external defibrillators). The campaign’s ambassador, former Bolton midfielder Fabrice Muamba, suffered a sudden cardiac arrest on the football pitch in March 2012 and went on to make a remarkable recovery thanks to prompt treatment with CPR and an AED. So moved were St Helens by his experiences and the work he and Arrhythmia Alliance have done through Hearts & Goals, the club now wants to raise as much money as possible for the campaign by holding a series of fundraising events throughout the season and beyond, as well as dedicating a percentage of all incoming sponsorship deals to the charity. St Helens Town Commercial Manager, Darryl Picton, said: “The idea to forge this partnership came from Fabrice’s story. “Never before have I witnessed such an event that has brought football fans, clubs and players together in support of one man as what happened on that horrific day at White Hart Lane. “The story touched the hearts of everyone and transcended sport. Those events really hit home to everyone at St Helens Town how quickly and unexpectedly tragedy can strike in a community and having access to this essential equipment will save hundreds of lives. “We are proud to be associated with Hearts and Goals and with Fabrice, and we will work tirelessly throughout the year to raise every penny possible for the campaign.” Trudie Lobban MBE, Founder and CEO of Arrhythmia Alliance, said: “We are absolutely delighted St Helens Town AFC have chosen our Hearts & Goals campaign as their official charity campaign. “Hearts & Goals focuses on tackling the UK’s biggest killer, sudden cardiac arrest, which kills 100,000 people in the UK every year. “We have already been able to help communities up and down the country place lifesaving AEDs (automated external defibrillators) and with partners like St Helens we can continue this work. “It is clear all involved at the club are very passionate about the campaign and we are delighted to welcome them on board.” The club will release details of their fundraising events as and when they are confirmed and further coverage of the campaign will be publicised when appropriate. Any clubs, players or members the public wishing to make donations to the campaign can contact Darryl Picton on 07908833554 or by email at sthelenstown@gmail. Visit for more information Facts, figures and important points: 1. Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a heart rhythm disorder that results in 100,000 deaths in the UK each year, killing more people than lung cancer, breast cancer and Aids combined 2. When CPR is administered to someone who has suffered an SCA, they have just a 9% chance of survival 3. When CPR and an AED (a defibrillator) are used together, the average chance of survival goes up to 50% 4. If used in the first four minutes after SCA, defibrillators can give victims an 80% chance of survival - a massive 16-fold increase compared to CPR alone. However, the survival rate drops by 14% for every additional minute. 5. AEDs are defibrillators that any member of the public can use without training to resuscitate someone who has suffered a sudden cardiac arrest 6. AEDs come equipped with an internal computer and automated voice, which guides users through every step. They monitor heart activity once pads are fitted to the patient and instruct the user accordingly based on the readings they take. AEDs also internally self-test, provide a clear indication with a green or red light whether there is any fault and hosts are fully trained on the daily checking procedures.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 12:23:45 +0000

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