CNN reports on Veteran Suicides on 26 March 2010 at approximately - TopicsExpress


CNN reports on Veteran Suicides on 26 March 2010 at approximately 6:40pm. CNN Wolfe states, “Approximately 18 Unites States Veterans commit SUICIDE everyday, which is appoximately 6000 United States Verterans a year…” or words to that affect. We are losing more Veterans in our family court system then we are in the war! WHY? In my opinion the media is ’skirting’ the cause and real reason behind so many of these sucides. Trying to make the American public believe (propoganda) reasons like not being accepted by the American public and when we see a Veteran we should approach them and shake their hand. True, we should express our ‘immeasurable’ gratitude. But this is the reason Veterans are commiting suicide? A handshake is the remedy? I don’t buy that bunch of lies. Our Veterans at will give you ALARMING statistics and what is really happening to 70% of our Veterans before they even come home; Divorce, The FAMILY COURT SYSTEM, Empty house, Children torn from them, Indigent Servitude (Slavery for the Gov’t.), Homelessness due to a system that takes more $$$ than it should…. on and on. Of the remaining 30% of our married Veterans, 90% of those will be divorced in five years of their return home! I am a Veteran. Not a war time Veteran. But I remember well, the divorces I saw because I was a 4421 Legal Services Specialist in the U.S. Marine Corps and those divorces I usually witnessed were the result of being away from family for 12 months. NOW WHAT THE HELL? These Veterans go back again and again to War and come home to empty homes and a System that Denies them their United States Constitutional Rights. Bankrupting them and making many homeless and JAILING COUNTLESS others. NOW YOU TELL ME, WHAT IS IN THE MIND OF ‘OUR UNITED STATES VETERANS’ WHEN THEY FIND OUT WHAT THEY’VE BEEN FIGHTING FOR, IS BEING DENIED THEM WHEN THEY GET HOME? I desparately urge everyone to go to and watch their video “Purple Hearts’ Final Beat” Click upon ‘Projects’ then click ‘Video’. This video went with us to the Russel Senate Office in DC and is very powerful. (Do not allow children to see this video.). Our Veterans have an opportunity to air a portion of this video as a Television Commercial. I am not asking funds for our website, I am asking that you please go to our Veterans at and DONATE. Show your support and appreciation for each and every single one of our Veterans. Send our Government a message; enough is enough, NO MORE SUICIDES! Please take a moment and SIGN for Child Support Reform. You do not have to be directly involved in the Child Support System to Sign this Petition. Yet, we are all apart of the System; if someones’ U.S. Constitutional Rights are being violated, you are being violated. How much more Government interference are you able to put up with? Presently, the Children are always the losers; relationships are being ruined, thousands go to jail and thousands commit suicide each year! PLEASE USE THE COMMENT FORM TO SIGN LOCATED AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE; Thank You! “The more of us we have, the more hope we have and hope is the commodity we need; RIGHT NOW!”
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 14:39:09 +0000

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