CNPP challenges Jonathan to publicly declare assets The - TopicsExpress


CNPP challenges Jonathan to publicly declare assets The Conference of Nigerian Political Parties (CNPP), for the umpteenth time, challenges President Goodluck Jonathan, to, as a matter of urgent national importance, declare his assets openly. In a statement signed by its National Publicity Secretary, Osita Okechukwu, on Thursday in Abuja, he said this has become imperative with the publication by United States based online medium, Riches Lifesytle, “which listed our dear President as the sixth in the hall of infamy of African Richest Head of States.” His words: “It is our candid view that instead of grumbling and issuing empty threat of hell and brimstone, the best option in the circumstance is for Mr President to openly declare his assets and also mandate all members of the Federal Executive Council to do same. “Failure to take this patriotic route will further confirm the hunch in town that President Jonathan is worth more than $100 million reported by RichesLifesytle, especially when President Jonathan had openly in 2012 told the world in a media chat that he doesn’t give a damn about corruption,” he added. Okechukwu noted: “Let’s not forget that since that President Jonathan’s ‘Give No Damn to Corruption’ pronouncement, it is been the fuel subsidy scam, crude oil theft, missing $20 billion, pension scam, the South African arms cash scandal and host of uncountable leakages under his watch. “Or is it not a paradox that President Jonathan, who enjoys all the perquisites left behind by President Umaru Musa Ya’Adua of blessed memory, failed woefully to emulate his former boss, who openly declared his assets? “For the avoidance of doubt, is it not crass arrogance and self denial in the midst of corruption scandals, which serially bedevil his regime to quip, ‘We have noted with consternation the listing of President Goodluck Jonathan by a website, RichestLifestyle, as the sixth richest African President with an estimated net worth of $100 million. “The Presidency condemns the totally unwarranted inclusion of President Jonathan in the publication titled, ‘Africa’s Richest President 2014’ as another attempt to unjustifiably portray the President as a corrupt leader.”
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 08:54:50 +0000

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