CNVC: A New Future Dear friends and colleagues, We are - TopicsExpress


CNVC: A New Future Dear friends and colleagues, We are writing today to announce a process for defining a radically new future for CNVC. Much has changed as NVC has spread and continued to grow and develop. New projects, new communities, new languages. New opportunities and challenges. New questions, and new ways of collaborating heart to heart in order to respond to them with loving creativity. The NVC community does this everyday. Our current structure at the center of this vibrant network—CNVC—was built for a previous stage in our collective life. Now is the time to re-imagine how we can align our organizational structure with our living needs and serve the work and the network in its vital journey. We are reaching out to everyone who cares about NVC, with an invitation to dream into and build what comes next. We want to do this together, and in the documents that follow describe how this can be done. Together, we will: * form a vision for change * decide the most essential, life-serving changes to be made in the key areas of our collective organization * integrate the agreed concrete changes within a timeframe for implementation, and * enact the changes we have collectively embraced. All those who care for this work, whatever their role, are welcome to actively contribute at each stage of the journey. At the same time, the process we outline makes central use of the unique abilities of those with specific experience, sometimes over many years, in applying NVC to key organizational questions we face. In this way we seek to benefit from both the places where our community is most enthusiastic and those in which it is wisest. Each of the steps we describe is collaborative in distinct ways. Each involves making decisions—not proposals. The current Board and staff of CNVC will not retain a veto. As the process advances, its power will come increasingly from the network. The process is outlined in the document “Process Toward A New Future.” Further discussion is offered in the additional “Commentary” document. These documents are available at For the last two years the Board has been laying the groundwork for rethinking CNVC. This began with celebrating and understanding what the organization has been. CNVC was originally set up to support Marshall in getting his work to where it could have the most impact. Its structure and function have reflected that purpose. That we are here today, with so many people around the world passionately caring about, applying and sharing NVC, is evidence that CNVC has made an extraordinary contribution to addressing its original mission. Now we are at a moment when the creativity, diversity and increasingly global reach of the network calls for new organizational responses to the unprecedented challenges and opportunities for peacemaking and partnership in the world. We are aware of stirrings of energy, both recently and over many years, in the direction of creating a new organizational future, both from the network and within CNVC. Our understanding is that the energy for such change needs to come from a coordinated movement in this direction. So the CNVC Board is setting in motion a process which we believe has the potential to take us collectively to new, life-serving places. It is meant to be sufficiently focused to create the beginnings of multi-faceted significant change within a year. There are many good reasons why some in the NVC community don’t sense that the present-day CNVC is relevant to their work, or don’t trust that is likely to be worthwhile to invest effort in processes to improve CNVC. We do not expect this process to change all such assessments overnight. However, in key aspects this process marks a radical departure from the past and will, we hope, be experienced as a healing, step-by-step course toward ever-increasing relevance and trust-worthiness. We hope that many of you will feel energized to participate in and support this change, so that together we can create something new and inspiring in service of Marshall’s dream for this work and for the world. We welcome your questions and comments at [email protected] Respectfully, Bob Wentworth, Dominic Barter, Stefan Wisbauer The Center for Nonviolent Communication Board p.s.: We encourage discussion of the process at cnvc-futur@googlegroups (sign up by sending an email to cnvc-futur+subscribe@googlegroups, or go to Signing up is also a way of ensuring you will receive future announcements about the process. p.p.s: We will be holding conference calls to respond to initial questions over the next week or so. Dates and times will be posted on email lists, and social media.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 20:09:08 +0000

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