COACHES!!! - - - GET THIS INTO YOUR HEAD!!! Alright... Listen - TopicsExpress


COACHES!!! - - - GET THIS INTO YOUR HEAD!!! Alright... Listen Up! If you are a COACH or CONSULTANT and you want to be SUCCESSFUL, you ABSOLUTELY MUST get this into your head. If you want to EARN MORE MONEY, then you ABSOLUTELY MUST get this into your head. If you want to MAKE A BIGGER IMPACT, then you ABSOLUTELY MUST get this into your head. You must STOP thinking of yourself as a COACH And start thinking of yourself as a MARKETER! Why do I say this? Because being a great COACH doesnt mean shit, if you dont know how to MARKET yourself or SELL your programs/services. Coaches who focus on only their COACHING SKILLS and NEGLECT to learn how to MARKET or SELL will 99% of the time be a BROKE COACH. And BROKE COACHES dont make much of an IMPACT! So heres the deal... I know its EASIER to focus on what you know, and on your current knowledge/experience that you share with clients, and to stay comfortable being the technician delivering the service, than it is to step outside your comfort zone in to a world that seems FOREIGN to you. BUT Would you rather do whats EASY and be a BROKE COACH who has NO MONEY and makes NO IMPACT, OR Would you rather take the step outside the comfort zone, engage in learning a few new skillsets, and commit to becoming a MARKETER and then earn a SHIT TON of money and make a MONUMENTAL IMPACT? YOU ARE NOT A COACH. YOU ARE A MARKETER WHO MARKETS AND SELLS COACHING SERVICES, PRODUCTS AND PROGRAMS. When you get this into your head and you make the COMMITMENT to BECOME A MASTER MARKETER, the WORLD IS YOURS and you could EASILY DOUBLE OR TRIPLE YOUR BUSINESS in a MONTH! You can be the BEST COACH in the world and the #1 EXPERT in your field BUT if you do not master the ability to MARKET or the ABILITY to SELL, you will be BROKE, STUCK, FRUSTRATED, and never make any real IMPACT. So choose to become a MARKETER. Choose to invest in yourself. Choose to share your message powerfully. Choose to learn the skills necessary to get that message out there to more people. And Choose to learn how to SELL and turn those prospects into paying clients. Youll make a whole lot more money, and a much bigger impact. If youre lost and confused when it comes to marketing, generating leads, and then converting them into sales, REACH OUT TO SOMEONE WHO CAN HELP YOU. You could sit there and allow the daunting task of marketing and sales to stand in your way and keep you paralyzed from taking action, OR You could engage support, Have someone hold your hand, And go through the process of learning and growing and expanding, So that you make more money, Create a bigger impact, And kick some serious ass... The choice is yours. Be a BROKE COACH and stay stuck and struggling. Or become a MARKETER and make more money and a massive impact. If you are a coach and you havent hit 6-figures yet the solution is simple.... LEARN HOW TO MARKET! AND ENGAGE SUPPORT TO FIGURE IT OUT! I am not a coach. I am a marketer that markets RESULTS for COACHES when it comes to their MARKETING and SALES. If you are a COACH and you want to become a MARKETER, make a HUGE INCOME and create a MONUMENTAL IMPACT I can support you. Whether we are a fit to work together or not is unknown right now, but Id like to extend the opportunity to find out... So... If you are COMMITTED to sharing your message, COMMITTED to increasing your INCOME, and COMMITTED to making an IMPACT, And are ready to DO THE WORK and create some KICK ASS RESULTS, shoot me a message here on Facebook and well connect and get your rocking! I will show you how to STRUCTURE YOUR BUSINESS for a solid FOUNDATION, and then youll learn how to MARKET THE SHIT OUT OF IT so that you have a TON OF LEADS, and Ill show you how to CONVERT those leads into PAYING CUSTOMERS so that you put CASH IN THE BANK. If youre serious, message me now MessageJoshua Be You. Be Real. Be Powerful. - Joshua David Hayward - The Messengers Mentor
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 23:28:00 +0000

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