COACHING THROUGH THE MATRIX By: International Licensed Meta-Coach - TopicsExpress


COACHING THROUGH THE MATRIX By: International Licensed Meta-Coach Imee Navarro In a life where we were programmed with a lot of belief systems, which affects our lives at the moment, there’s a lot to conquer. When we get affected by a lot of outside influencers there is only one direction to look at? Inside ….. Inside is where you find a lot of truths. Sad part is we are hardly honest to ourselves sometimes even to others. We either give them a distorted or fluffy messages or no messages at all. Then this creates misunderstandings and confusion. But in your world you control everything. You cannot expect others to understand what is happening in your world without telling the truth though. This gave birth to the tag “THE MAP IS NOT THE TERRITORY” and there is a way to get into the world of another person without complication. If you have watched “THE MATRIX” when Neo was challenged by Morpheus. He was able to win over the situation when Morpheus said to Neo “stop trying to hit me, just hit me”. And when he did just that he moved faster than ever, climbed walls and jumped the ceiling. Metaphorically what this movie is implying is that we create our own world (MATRIX). Either we are controlled by our vision of the WORLD, manipulated by OTHERS, consumed by ourSELVES, living in the wrong TIME zone, eaten up by POWER or simply doing things with wrong INTENTIONS. Obviously this is not ideal. Right? Of course, I am only talking about the extremes. There can be beauty on the other side. When one has a balance of living in the TIME now, views the WORLD beautifully, creates things with noble INTENTIONS, takes care of oneSELF to be able to care genuinely for OTHERS and uses POWER to perform at their peak with the highest meaning rather than just ego. Then this is ideal, and I am telling you? It can be done. These are a few things we tend to neglect about us, but truthfully it is very simple. The thing is we do not dare confront ourselves with ruthlessly compassionate questions when things seem to be not working. The ecological question our brains love to answer are : is it safe? Is it benefitting my career, family, health and finances? And if we come up with highly compromising answers that are truly beneficial to our entire being, and our physiological body totally agrees then we are good to go. But truth be told, we hardly brave ourselves enough to do this. That’s why we need Psychologists, Psychiatrist, Therapists, Mentors, Counselors, Teachers and Trainers. The only difference between a COACH and all of the aforementioned is that a coach does not tell, advice, teach or guide. A coach simply asks the right questions for a brain (person) to willingly and honestly answers. And scientifically the brain is only trained to answer questions. It doesn’t make statements. Thus it becomes more compelling and sustainable when change is triggered by answers one self actualizes through persistent questioning by a COACH. Confused? Don’t be….. Change is inevitable. And it is always great to make changes. It is stagnation that should scare you actually. For one to progress there should always be a continuous journey from a state to another state. And as we create more changes for progress it only means that we are growing more and more each day. Although the conflict lies now is when all the changes are congruent to what goes on in your inner game versus what you show in the outer game. Thus when we exude the highest meaning it follows that our performance in whatever role we portray in life is at its peak. Don’t ever make the mistake of loosing the meaning in anything you do. You might as well be dead??? Now I will leave you with a million dollar question? IF MONEY WASN’T AN ISSUE, WHAT EXACTLY WOULD YOU BE DOING RIGHT NOW? And I sure hope your answer is exactly what you are doing right now. As I mention earlier you can create your own MATRIX. But its up to you direct the characters, actors, actresses, color, smell, feel, sound, shape etc. Once you have established this and you are sure and certain this is the WORLD you want to create, then this is the WORLD you will live in. The ball is in your game. He who controls the frame controls the game. All these you can be, do and have as long as you will it. Remember you choose the pill you take, RED or BLUE? In all that you do be in INTEGRITY – when thoughts, feelings and words are in one place. NAMASTE
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 04:05:32 +0000

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