COAL VS HELIUM3 AS AN ENERGY FUEL A coal train twice the length - TopicsExpress


COAL VS HELIUM3 AS AN ENERGY FUEL A coal train twice the length of Tasmania is equal to a Ute tray of Helium3 (and coal is a lot more efficient (has a much higher Energy Flux Density) than inefficient wind farms & solar. Germany a great industrial nation was bough to its knees by the Greenie Hitler by the Industrial might of USA under Roosevelt and now Germany is being bought to its knees again as an industrial nation by the Greens. The Germans have been completely hoodwinked by the Greens to close down Nuclear & Fossil fuel power generators already a lot of their manufacturing has been moved off shore and now their major manufacturers are looking at moving out of Germany due to the high cost of inefficient Green Power and what even makes it worse with all this expensive Green infrastructure the German Government now has to buy Nuclear generated power from France and that is more expensive than when producing their own. ELECTRICITY IS NOW ONE OF MANS NECESSITIES FOR LIFE Countries around the world have been hoodwinked to privatize their Electricity supply ALLOWING A FEW TO PROFITEER OF THE REST OF THE WORLD’S POPULATION, worse still these greedy parasites have caused manufacturing in lots of countries to close down due to the cost of Electricity robbing people of Employment and livelihood. Even worse millions of people around the world have had their supply cut off as they cannot pay their price gouging bills. Earlier I mentioned about Germany going Green causing the Cost of electricity to rocket to the extent many people cannot afford to use their Electricity fueled heating and this caused another problem besides deaths, Germany’s famous forests were being decimated as people had to go to them and cut down trees for firewood or Freeze to death & even this caused another problem in some areas SMOG from all the green timber being burnt. ELECTRICITY SUPPLY MUST BE RETURNED TO BEING A UTILITY. The electricity supply is owned and operated by the Government as efficiently as possible and the cost of Electricity is just the cost of producing it . A BAD GOVERNMENT ELECTRICITY SUPPLY EXAMPLE The Western Australian power utility was first corporatized then split into a number of Separate Corporations by a Labor Premier Alan Carpenter and his minister for that portfolio Francis (Fran) LOGAN preparing it for the Liberals to Privatise. But under the Liberal Emperor Colin Barnett & his former Treasurer Chair Sniffer Buswell they have turned it into a price gouging instrument to poor money into the state coffers to help cover their reckless spending and financial regime. • The price gouging helps get it ready for Privatisation to mates and donors to the Liberal Party and they are getting it ready so when Privatised Maximum Profits can be made Emperor Barnet has hiked the cost of Electricity by 70% and the Labor Party can share the blame. • Reducing the number of Employees this is a constant operation. • UNDERGROUND POWER CABLES. Greatly reduce power cost but the cost of putting existing above ground supplies is very expensive. In western Australia there is a price sharing Formula for the cost of putting power under ground around 80% of the cost is now shared by Western Power & the state Government but the Emperor wants to have a new Formula approved by State Parliament but due to his inefficiency or he does not yet have Labor on side. He wants the Home Owner & Business Property owners to pay the major share of the Cost I have heard figures as high as 85% and the remaining 15% shared by Western Power and the State Government. The way the chargers are worked out is the cost of the amount of cable to the Width or Length of the Property plus the cost of the connection to the Property. What it amounts to is Western Australians are going to pay to make the system more profitable for the new owners. • UNFORTUNATELY THERE IS ONLY ONE REAL OPPOSITION POLITICAL PARTY IN AUSTRALIA and that is the Citizens Electoral Council but most don’t realize this as the CEC has been largely hidden for almost 30years by a Media Blackout. Dirty tricks at election time such as listing CEC Candidates under the Category “OTHER” instead of Party name. Major parties financing minor parties such as Racist Party One Nation to take votes from CEC and when they have done their job be destroyed and their dumb Redhead leader thrown in prison to discredit her. But the biggest problem is uniformed voters. • UNIFORMED VOTERS The majority of Australian Voters are uninformed as they have been conditioned all their life by the Mass Media & Education System to be Dumb. They know the mass media is corrupt but if they don’t see it in the mass media it can’t be true. Then a lot suffer the Ostrich syndrome their heads academically stuck in the sand while they are butt raped. I believe Albert Einstein explained the inane Australian Carousel Political System where Liberals (Coalition) replace Labor or Labor replaces Liberal (Coalition) and then you ever have Labor or Liberals in opposition and we won’t even go into the completely corrupt Senate Election System. Back to Albert Einstein, he said and Iam sure he was talking about the 2 party systems. “INSANITY: DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND EXPECTING DIFFERENT RESULTS. You have the Liberal/National Coalition where the nationals are just the liberal’s bum boys. But Since Hawke & Keating were elected the real Coalition has been the Liberal /Labor Coalition at the top. • The ALP, Liberals and Greens are ganging up to make it harder for other parties to contest elections, by tripling the membership requirement. If you support the CEC’s ideas, it is time to act by joining as an Associate Member for 1 year, so the CEC can remain registered. To explain in more detail prior to the last election Liberal & Labor snuck through both house of Parliament hundreds of changes to the Electoral Act to cement their hold on the Australian Parliament but it did not go their way as much as they thought they Got a Pissed of Clive Palmer that had been donating millions of Dollars to Liberal/National parties till they pissed him off. Palmer was able to buy votes that would have gone to other minor parties as those voters are pissed off with Liberal/Labor. Now the Federal Liberals, Labor, Nationals & Toxic greens (don’t know if Palmer is involved as when it boils down he is also a British Empire Stooge) Have had their heads together to make further draconian changes to the Electoral Act. But these Changers are a new cut off to keep any Political Party that is not represented in the Current Parliament (ever house) from ever being able to get to the stage of being represented as these new changes to the electoral Act are being written so they DO NOT APPLY TO POLITICAL PARTIES THAT HOLD SEATS IN THE CURRENT PALIMENT. It’s time for you to wake up forget about all these other minor parties & micro parties that only appear and are active leading into election (just being on the Internet is not being active) the CEC activist see it clearly day by day and week by week at Government Public Forums only the CEC is there, At public events & busy public places like Railway Stations & Bus Stations only the CEC is there year in year out keeping people informed. Agriculture Shows and Field Days, Weekend Markets leading into Elections there are lots of Political Parties booking sites, going door to door but after an election we can’t help notice we are the only ones still at these events and it has been like this for decades. Last election we had to cut down on the number of Candidates we run as the fees charged by Government then donated to Royal Family were doubled. Reason being we had to decide where to spend the money on an election Campaign or OUR CAMPAIGN TO STOP BAIL-IN LEGISLATION. We choose the latter as it has been successful so far WE STOPED RUDD SNEAKING IT THROUGH PALIMENT and so far we have stopped Hockey who has both Guns blazing in his fight to get it through both houses of Parliament. At the moment he is running a very expensive phony Finical System Enquiry its outcomes already set in cement even his selection of the panel shows this but the MAIN PURPOSE OF THIS ENQUIRY IS TO GIVE HIM THE JUSTIFICATION TO INTRODUCE BAIL-IN LEGISLATION LARGELY UNOPPOSED AND WITH A LABEL OF BEING DEMOCRATIC THANKS TO A RIGGED INQUIRY • All I can say now is become a Financial & active member of the CEC we do not play popularity politics otherwise we would be no more honest than all the other parties; We get told every day the CEC has to change to become popular. A former Leader of the Labor Party & Governor General of Australia (his 12 pieces of silver for delivering the ALP into the hands of two traitors.) Said in a warning to Labor & Liberal “The Citizens Electoral Council has to be destroyed at all cost they are a danger they are not like other small parties they are an Intelligent Political Party and if not stopped will grow. This Article from https://facebook/SupportCEC JOIN THE CEC TODAY ONLY $20 AND LESS FOR PENSIONERS ETC
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 06:56:02 +0000

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