COALITION FOR RAINFOREST NATIONS STATEMENT OPENING PLENARY ADP 2-3 Warsaw, 12 November 2013 Thank you Mr. Co-chair, PNG has the honor to speak on behalf of the 52 countries of the Coalition for Rainforest Nations, of which the following have endorsed this statement: Bangladesh, Belize, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Cambodia, Chad, Costa Rica, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Guyana, Honduras, Kenya, Laos PDR, Liberia, Nigeria, Panama, Republic of Congo, Solomon Islands, Suriname, Togo, and Uganda. Mr. Co-Chair, we support the statement made by the distinguished delegate from the Republic of Fiji on behalf of the Group of 77 and China. Mr. Co-chair, at the outset let me welcome you both in this new role and we are confident that under your able leadership we will be able to maintain the high bar you have set and produce an excellent result on the way to the new agreement. Mr. Co-chair, the agreement to be reached by 2015 should be applicable to all Parties and be based on all the principles of the Convention. It should take into account the latest scientific information, be adequately informed by the work of other bodies under the Convention and include, among its key elements, a REDD+ mechanism to be fully supported by a broad variety of financing sources, with a leading role by developed country Parties. Mr. Co-chair, on the pre-2020 ambition track we again call for developed country Parties to assume leadership by increasing and enhancing their greenhouse gas reduction commitments, as required by the Convention. To demonstrate commitment, developing country Parties, in particular rainforest nations, are prepared to contribute significantly to the fight against climate change. Mr. Co-chair, REDD+ has the potential to significantly contribute to the global mitigation solution. To make this happen, new and additional financial and technical support for the implementation of REDD+ activities should be provided by developed country Parties so that REDD+ countries can assume a primary role in enhancement of the level of ambition. Mr. Co-chair, we appreciate the value of the open and frank exchange of views among Parties under the round-table format so far. At the same we must start to engage in direct negotiations as soon as possible so that a clear and ambitious roadmap up to the end of 2015 is defined here in Warsaw along the following lines. A focused work on the structure and specific aspects of the 2015 agreement should start here and continue up to the next session in March 2014. These considerations should be captured in a non-paper by the co-chairs, as usual practice, to be discussed in the June session in Bonn. Then, Parties should be given time to digest and reflect on the identified key elements of the 2015 agreement so that a negotiating text is made available before COP20. In Lima Parties should then agree on the timeline and milestones for 2015. Finally Mr. Co-Chair, let me assure you that our Coalition is ready and keen to continue working and engaging with all Parties in this process so that a new and ambitious, global climate change regime is established by 2015. Thank you Mr. Co-chair
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 05:35:43 +0000

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