COALITION OF SUPREME YOUTH LEADERS(COSYL) AKWA IBOM STATE. 10,000 MAN MARCH,DEMANDING FOR UDOM GABRIEL EMMANUEL TO TAKE COURAGE AND SERVE US COME 2015 AS GOVERNOR OF AKWA IBOM STATE. There comes a Time in the life of a people that being passive becomes the greatest evil anyone can do to himself. This is a generation that must take her future seriously. There was a time I wished I could contribute for the betterment of my world, but,I couldnt because I didnt have the means nor the voice,but thank God for technology. We can now contribute meaningfully to making our world,our life,our state and Nation a better place for our children and childrens children. It is very WRONG and UNACCEPTABLE to leave your life as if your have no choice on who is to SERVE us. We cannot leave our future in the hands of fate and think that what will be will be. What will be, will not be, except we make it happen. Nothing just happens,people makes it happen. It will work,if we work it. Having accessed different aspirants for the plum job,having interacted with some of them,we are at a position to making INFORMED DECISION. When we allow a few people to CHOOSE who to lead us,the few will hold us HOSTAGE in our state. When we allow the CABALS to choose for us,we will all be at their mercy,but we can CHANGE the tides, we can muster up COURAGE and take to the street and SPEAK OUR MIND. Sometime we have to take THE BULL by THE HORN. Life does not give to people what they DESERVE,she only gives to us what we DEMAND. There is no place for the chicken hearted in history. COWARDS never leave a mark in the sands of time. If you are for UDOM GABRIEL EMMANUEL,stand out and be counted. Enough of this passiveness,enough of this quagmire dillema. We need a Man who FEELS our PAINS,we need a Man who is not CORRUPTED yet with cankerworm of our political system. We need a Man with THE FEAR OF GOD at the CORE of his being. We need a man with a touch of HUMANITY. We his INNOCENcY at such a TIME as this. Our Elders have failed us,lets take our FUTURE into our hands. When we choose our LEADER, he has no choice but to give us THE FUTURE OF OUR DREAM. Get enlisted for the 10,000 MAN MARCH DEMANDING FOR UDOM GABRIEL EMMANUEL TO DECLARE HIS INTENTION AND RUN FOR THE PLUM JOB COME 2015. All youth group leaders and members,NGOs,village youth presidents,youth council leaders,women groups,etc get enlisted TODAY. And the light shineth in darkness and dark comprehended it not .No man lights a candle and puts it under a bushel but rather sets it upon the mountain top,that whoever cometh might see. THIS LIGHT WE SEE IN UDOM GABRIEL EMMANUEL MUST SHINE AND LEAD US TO OUR ENVIEABLE FUTURE IN GOD,AMEN. JOIN COALITION OF SUPREME YOUTH LEADERS(COSYL) AKS TODAY AS WE TAKE OUR FUTURE INTO OUR HANDS. MR UDOM GABRIEL EMMANUEL,AKWA IBOM STATE YOUTHS CALL,OBEY. Micheal Joseph Okon(ACE) President Uruan Supreme Youths Association/ National Cordinator;COSYL-AKS(07036688283-SMS) follow me @micheal_okon https://twitter/followers #Hurricaneright...putting things right for our future.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 10:02:46 +0000

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