COALITION OF YOUTH LEADERS IN AKWA IBOM STATE. THE INSOLENCE OF FAILED ASPIRANTS IN THE JUST CONCLUDED PLUM JOB PRIMARIES OF THE PEOPLE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IN AKWA IBOM STATE. Failure to Prepare they say,Is Preparation to fail. These acclaimed G22 had Seven(7) To Eight (8) good Years to Prepare for Today. They knew being The Governor of Akwa Ibom State has never been easy. They knew who they were up against,yet they FAILED to prepare well. Some of this self Imposed G22 can not win election in their ward. Yes some of them are worthy Gladiators in the game,yet I am disappointed at their Show of Zero Sportsmanship so far. Lets assume Obong Assam Assam was In the Present Victory of Elder Udom Gabriel Emmanuel,would he not want #UGE to give him a RIGHT HAND of Fellowship with a hug of Congratulations. Obong Nsima Ekere,how would you have felt like if you where #ElderUdomGabrielEmmanuel today,would you consent to this unwarranted show by the G22? Certainly Not. Larry Esin,Abia and Obong Ntekim,certainly you have a case on grounds of Ethnicity,on this very grounds,I dare say its faulty for its breeds the Hatred of Tribalism,a monster we must all Run away from for the safety of us all. Yet,Imagine a gang of G22 refuting your God given blessing simply for their hatred of you. Should God take permission from THE G22 before making any of you whatever He(God) had ordained for you to be from the Foundation of the World? Ime Ekanem and Roberta Nyong Of Uruan Nation,you have done us Proud,you have fought gallantly,please come back Home,some Battles are not worth it,especially when Loosing the war is Imminent. Its Possible you are Fighting for your Honour and Pride,worthy Reasons to keep the war cry going. Gentlemen and Ladies of 2015 Gubernatorial Election,please shelf your swords,Come back home and Give the youths of this state a Future. Reading your Memo to His Excellency,The Executive Governor Of Akwa Ibom State and Addressing him as The Maternal Cousin of Elder Udom Gabriel Emmanuel,an Indirect attempt to pointing accusing Finger at #GOA for the Emergence of #UdomGabrielEmmanuel as PDP Flag Bearer in Akwa Ibom State is a Slap on AkwaIbomites. Please come back Home,disgrace us No more. Is Being A Marternal Cousin reason enough for any of you to fail election? Prof. Richard King,how would it have felt like if you won and G22 met accusing GEJ of being your age long Child hood friend and For such Reasons,you should be done away with? Is it Possible that the G22 are mad with Hatred for that which is beyond them? God Chooses Kings and Their Successors,ask King David and Solomon. 22 Failed Aspirants can not hold 5million Destinies to ransom. Take the Olive branch and come back home. Take your place in history knowing that we can not win all battles,we can not Change everything we aim to change. We must learn to leave with the things we can not Change. #UdomGabrielEmmanuel has come to stay,please get used that. May G11 not gather against any of your Destinies when your Time and Chance come. Truly some of the G22 are almost past age of gainful Productivity,this certainly is their last fight. The Younger ones in G22 should look at their lives 5 to 10 years from Today,then you will understand that your Future is Brighter than what you are fighting for Today. Now that the world knows that Udom Gabriel Emmanuel is a maternal Cousin to Chief Doctor Godswill Obot Akpabio as you claim,what next? We are not in support of your Indirect attempt to disparaging The Office of The Governor Of Akwa Ibom State to the gratifying of your greed and Hatred. Hence forth,we will RESIST your antics if you will not apply Refrain in this open show of Incompetence. We love you,but please lets not wash in the Open anymore, we are not the Only State in Nigeria. Merry Christmas to you all. Micheal Joseph Okon(ACE) President Coalition Of Youth Leaders(CYL) In Akwa Ibom State. President Uruan Supreme Youths Association. 07036688283(SMS).
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 14:03:04 +0000

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